Example sentences of "and [vb base] [pron] down the " in BNC.

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1 The tongue acts as a pump , helping to suck in small forms of water-life and squeeze them down the throat .
2 Then The Sugargliders — their hair still glossy from the blood of Metallica , who tried to stop them coming in — stride across the shattered bar-room floor and pull their own heads off and ram them down The Rosaries ' throats .
3 Out of all the bands the NME posse catches at the CMJ , RATM are by far the most brilliantly relevant : the first to grab political issues by the scruff of the neck and ram them down the toilet pan .
4 ‘ You can get a man inside it , and they 'll tie a heavy stone to the King 's body and push it down the pipe .
5 She did n't go out drinking or dancing ; she did n't do as one mother she 'd known ( in a story of maternal neglect that I remember feeling was over the top at the time ) and tie a piece of string round my big toe , dangle it through the window and down the front of the house , so that the drunken mother , returning from her carousing , could tug at it , wake the child , get the front door opened and send it down the shop for a basin of pie and peas .
6 I 've got to go to the loo in a minute anyway after I steal one of your cigarettes , notice the word cigarettes instead of the word fags oh I do n't know , I think I 'll go and sell my body , might make a couple of quid and leg it down the
7 I tell you , one night , if we knew he was coming , we would wait for him round the back and pitch him down the falls ! ’
8 If there 's a fight , they tie your hands , pull your head sideways and put you down the block .
9 His instinct was to lift her up and carry her down the hillside to the village .
10 He condemned Crilly for his hash , and once went so far as to yank a steaming thick spliff from Crilly 's hand and toss it down the lighthouse cliff .
11 Kisling was livid , and with the help of some friends managed to grab the sculptor and throw him down the stairwell from the seventh floor .
12 Nor could you just shut your eyes and throw them down the hatch ; because the whole pleasure of a chicken 's foot would come from sucking and nibbling it slowly , seeking out the tasty skin and the fragments of flesh like the last moments of a particularly luscious spare rib .
13 Spid I remember when me and my Mum had to catch one in a fishing net and throw it down the toilet cos my Dad were n't there and it was about that big !
14 You always had to spit it out and shove it down the back of some chair .
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