Example sentences of "and [vb base] [pron] [noun pl] with " in BNC.

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1 Come in , and bring your friends with you . ’
2 ‘ The idea is to inspire the next generation of comedians to think of radio first and launch their careers with us , ’ said a spokesman .
3 take your boots off ( if indoors ) and rub your feet with your hands or warm them on someone else 's tummy ( this really sorts out your friends and do n't worry you ca n't catch verrucae this way ) .
4 The growing independence of their children , at each successive stage , can be a matter of concern rather than joy for those who over-commit and over-identify their lives with the nurturing of dependent children .
5 They pinch him and singe his fingertips with burning tapers .
6 This year NCT has a gift and Christmas card catalogue out : please look out for copies at meetings and place your orders with committee members for us to send off in bulk .
7 To serve the international market and provide its customers with a broader selection of products and services , two further companies have been integrated into NDT Systems .
8 Other candidates spoke of the need to rid West Ham of its slums and provide its children with the opportunity to reach university .
9 Help me to grow and progress from this point on in the way I understand , respond and conduct my relationships with others .
10 He sipped the hot mug of tea and watched Molly lay out his clothes by the fire with one hand , and remove her curlers with the other .
11 This discussion in the opening chapter lays the groundwork for a consideration of the key questions the author has set himself to address , about the way power relationships historically and in the present structure the caring professions and shape their interactions with service users and other professional groups .
12 It would help to create a more responsive social climate , enabling them to fulfil their potential and conclude their lives with dignity .
13 ‘ Then try , dear , ’ Mrs Browning urged , ‘ not to get in a temper to match his , rise above the poor old gentleman 's tantrums and meet his ravings with dignity . ’
14 But at least we 've still got the ability to laugh at ourselves , and face our critics with a smile .
15 Tomorrow we have to get up at 6.30 ( on a Sunday ! ) in order to go with the participants on the course to a commune outside Nanking , to do our ‘ Open-door Schooling ’ — Open-door Schooling is an essential part of the Chinese political philosophy of education — i.e. educational institutions have to have an open door and renew their contacts with industry and agriculture .
16 I 've got ta carry this around with us and record me conversations with different people .
17 When I lock along my collection of phrenology books , including titles such as The Brain and How to Read It , and run my fingers with affection over the porcelain phrenological head that stands on my filing cabinet , I often wonder what future generations will make of today 's psychologists .
18 Oral questioning , by making the students think for themselves and convey their thoughts with precision , can be an effective cure for vagueness and sloppy thinking .
19 In the wake of the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan , Vietnam 's first priority in Southeast Asia was to legitimise its role in Kampuchea and normalise its relations with the ASEAN states to offset renewed pressures as a result of the new hostility to the Soviet Union in international forums .
20 British business and industry must sell itself better , certainly in Europe , and maintain its markets with the rest of the world , which may turn away from us as we turn more towards Europe .
21 Although there are indications that he was increasingly concerned at the drift of the lord treasurer , Sidney Godolphin [ q.v. ] , to the Whigs , he needed the resources of office to settle his debts and pursue his feuds with local Welsh rivals , some of which , notably his quarrel with the industrialist and projector , Sir Humphry Mackworth [ q.v. ] , degenerated into actual physical violence .
22 Woe to those they serve who are clad in silk , loll on couches , and fill their bellies with the best of food and the richness of wine .
23 What would it be like to explore and learn every inch of him with her fingertips , to touch and taste him and fill her lungs with the delicious musky scent that was uniquely his ?
24 It also made him want even more to pull her close and heal her wounds with a kiss .
25 The next stage is when they begin to think of themselves as workers in Britain and compare their lives with those of other workers , black and white .
26 Look at the following examples and compare your answers with them .
27 Using the Black-Scholes model , evaluate the following calls and puts and compare your answers with the market values given below and account for any discrepancies : .
28 At this point it is probably wise to seek out each leader and discuss their organisations with them .
29 Before deciding , shop around and discuss your needs with several banks and building societies .
30 It will fall on to my face and start to grip me with its claws and pound my cheeks with its wings .
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