Example sentences of "and [vb base] [art] same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , you whine and you wring your hands , but then you go back and make the same mistakes .
2 This too is a technique pioneered by Neighbours , where it works best at the beginning and end of each episode , and in the poignant identification of the tragedy of Paul and Gail , who do and say the same things day after day , but wear different clothes .
3 Tom McCool , SCOTVEC 's Chief Executive commented ‘ This agreement will help to ensure that employers and others get the message that SVQs and NVQs are based on the same industry determined standards and say the same things about the competence of those who hold them .
4 The ideal schedule is one which can be used by a team of interviewers and yield the same stimuli to informants with their responses being recorded in the same way .
5 We are aware that we can control the method of access by users though our application , but there are other tools they are using in in the company to access the corporate relational database and your database controller must be aware of those tools and implement the same controls on those views of that information within the database .
6 As he put it , ‘ not until the habits of the rich are changed and they are again content to breathe the same air and walk the same streets as the poor will East London be ‘ saved ’ .
7 He said that dichloromethane , for instance , has a very short atmospheric lifetime , so it does not get into the stratosphere and cause the same problems as CFCs , carbon tetrachloride or 1,1,1-trichloroethane .
8 Here was a fellow human , Canadian , and Montrealer who went to the same movies and read the same papers as you or I. 1 . )
9 Such issues which touch upon the merits can no more be avoided under option four than under option two ; both options address many of the same issues , and face the same problems .
10 The Down 's child will respond well to family and friends and enjoy the same feelings of affection and belonging as any other child .
11 Riva would not hear them , were it not for the fact they speak in the same language , use the same gestures , and wear the same scars or armbands as her saints .
12 Set up a lab like mine and run the same experiments , and anyone should be able to come up with the same results , for they do not depend on excessively mysterious skills or tricks , and science is after all , in the words of its most passionately admiring philosophers , public knowledge .
13 The typical company — one limited by shares — must issue some shares , and the initial presumption of the law is that all shares confer the same rights and impose the same liabilities .
14 So they grow up just assuming that whites are the goodies and blacks are the bad dies and pass the same stereotypes onto their children .
15 Try and get the same fractions
16 ‘ I 've still got the Rick and use the same stacks I had with Hawkwind ; I wo n't change them .
17 After playing this for a while , I reckon the original mark ( 38% , Issue 73 ) was a mite generous for a game that does n't rely on skill in the slightest — you just need to memorise the entry and exit points of the Gremlins and use the same movements , screen after screen with no variation .
18 Preservatives ! ’ and do the same movements to replace the tin .
19 Made up of four 30-minute scenes , in each of which the same people say and do the same things in the same setting , Roll On Friday , it is no surprise to learn , has been developed into a five-year television series in New Zealand and Australia .
20 ‘ Indeed these digs reveal that Macedonians worshipped the same gods and practise the same rites as the Greeks ’ .
21 Several Passifloraceae present pollen and nectar at different times of day and share the same pollinators , while certain nectar-less Bignoniaceous lianes mimic nectar producers , by flowering at the same time as , or just after , those that are pollinated .
22 The advantages of friendship are that you have someone who can help you in any difficulties , you can have fun together and share the same experiences .
23 In our lives today we have to continue that journey of exploration and answer the same questions as Paul did .
24 ( 3 ) All other estates , interests , and charges in or over land take effect as equitable interests ; ( 4 ) The estates , interests , and charges which under this section are authorised to subsist or be conveyed or created at law are ( when subsisting or conveyed or created at law ) in this Act referred to as " legal estates , " and have the same incidents as legal estates subsisting at the commencement of this Act ; and the owner of a legal estate is referred to as " an estate owner " and his legal estate is referred to as his estate .
25 According to this law , both partners in a marriage have a duty to help each other , must share the housework and have the same obligations and duties concerning the raising and education of their children .
26 Special Constables are issued with warrant cards and have the same powers to make arrests as police .
27 They are very similar and have the same requirements .
28 I 'd go up there every night and see the same films over and again .
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