Example sentences of "and [vb base] [art] next [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( ii ) Familiar faces The same presenter will introduce the programme each week and may appear between items to give explanations and introduce the next sequence .
2 When a certain number of choices have been logged , the computer will wipe the screen clean , " breed " from the preferred biomorph and display the next generation of mutant progeny .
3 ( c ) An instruction may perform some data manipulation and skip the next instruction if an unusual condition occurs .
4 He finished this one quicker than the other two and when that was done he immediately picked up the knife and cut the next slice .
5 All I will say is that I reject as a model of justice the view which has temporarily gained favour in many developed societies : namely , the view that each person is entitled to what he can get , and let the next man look out for himself as best he can .
6 They work as if they must get rich by the evening and die the next day .
7 Then we drive hell for leather to the airport and catch the next plane to Nice . ’
8 When I think of my past blunders here , I want to turn round at the airport and catch the next plane home .
9 She let Herbert know , and he cabled her to cancel all other arrangements and catch the next ship back .
10 and face the next door .
11 Obviously , the thing to do is to backwind to the point where the eating of the banana comes to an end and begin the next shot from there .
12 If it is , follow the route down the tree to the ‘ b ’ node , and get the next letter from the graph of data .
13 I turn over Summerchild 's elegant minute and uncover the next document on the file .
14 But not many people did see it and he was left with a clutch of good notices , a prospect of the West End which would say no , most times , to the sort of plays he was right for and a generous offer from Anthony Quayle to come back to Shakespeare in Stratford and tackle the next range of roles .
15 You wanted to wake up with him right there in the room and to turn to him and quote the next line of the film right back at him , to whisper it to him , make me almost believe that we are a pair of young lovers without any shame , and I do n't mean that in some tragedy queen way , but in order to say of Boy that truly I do think that it is a beauty like his that makes it all worth while , and I do feel that if we are fighting for anything , and if I was asked in a questionnaire what it was I was fighting for ( and believe me I do feel like I am fighting , more and more I think that ) , then I would answer , beauty .
16 Go right , bounce on the trampoline , go up , right , down and paint the button , paint some platforms to bounce out of the cave you 're in , go left , down to the trampoline , go right and fall down , go left and paint the switch , go right and climb the stairs poking out of the cauldron , paint the button on your right , fall down and go left , fall down and go left , fall down and collect the picture from the bottom of the hole , paint some of the ledges to get out of the hole and go right , fall down the right-hand side of the map and go left , paint the switch , go left and paint the next switch .
17 Now follow the first backwards pointer ( i.e. back to the node we have just come from , e.g. from the ‘ c ’ node back to the ‘ d ’ node ) , and take the next route forwards again ( to the ‘ l ’ node , giving another complete candidate string ljadl ) .
18 sector and wait for it to come round again and take the next sector .
19 Proceed to the roundabout and turn left and follow through the village past the Red Lion and take the next right into Webbs Close .
20 Some twenty-four people at least would attend these meetings and all would be put up in the château , or its annexe , and provided with lunch , dinner and breakfast the next day .
21 For the Bristol , Cardiff and London venues Happy Sleeper motels are offering rooms for the night of the concert and breakfast the next morning , at all-inclusive prices .
22 OK , on paper it all sounds like nausea-inducing stuff , the kind of thing that would cause any self-respecting Popkid to pack up his T-shirts and join the next peace convoy out of town .
23 If you have n't already sent off your booking form do so today , and see the next Journal for more details .
24 Agree and summarize the next step so that you both know exactly what is supposed to happen next .
25 We prop the grating open with another branch and spend the next half-hour pulling fallen branches and logs from all over that part of the hill , dragging them into the clump of bushes and throwing them into the shaft ; we snap dead branches off trees and bushes and haul and peel living ones off ; we scrape together armfuls of dry leaf litter and throw those over the edge of the chimney , too ; everything goes under the grating and down into the shaft .
26 She was determined that it was n't he who had affected her appetite either , and went down to dinner that night and ate quite a substantial meal , only to return to her room and spend the next hour again having trouble ousting the wretched man .
27 The refuge worker suggests ringing up the council to check the arrears and clarify the next move .
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