Example sentences of "and [det] [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The courtyard to the right was for servants and that ahead for horses .
2 I simply say that on the debates we 've had on the Policing Bill , I 've learnt what the functions of your Noble House is all about and the speech that 's just been made from across the Chamber from me , sums up entirely my views on the matter , and I say to your Lordships House that on the basis of experience as Northern Ireland Secretary when one is a Home Secretary for a province and there 's a number of people in this House who 've had a job to do including the Noble Lord , The Noble Viscount Whitelaw who set the tone of the way we all proceeded , I accept that , the one of the things we had to do there was bring democracy back to policing and the primary force of policing is taking a long time to do and that here as Home Secretary , everything I learned there was , stop the growing centralisation and the weakening of the police authorities and police force and this Bill does exactly that But now one of the questions I 've asked myself and it 's the only point because all the points have been made that I really want to ask the Government is what are these appointees for ?
3 Though he 'd never really believed that any woman would behave that coldly and that violently in response to an attack .
4 There 's caffs and that usually in railway stations .
5 In 1974 , for example , we learned that ‘ For the first time in a century and a half , since the great Tory reformer Robert Peel set up the Metropolitan police areas of our cities are becoming unsafe for peaceful citizens by night , and some even by day ’ — from no less an authority than that great Tory reformer Sir Keith Joseph .
6 Recordings of gastric electrical control activity made from surface electrodes have been shown to correlate well with mucosal recordings , and this together with improvements in detection methods and their wider availability has led to increased use of surface electrogastrography in the investigation of gastrointestinal symptoms .
7 The company facilitated the aggregation of vast sums of capital from numerous small investors and this together with changes in technology and organizational techniques led to a vast expansion in the size of the firm and a reduction in the number of firms operating in any particular industry .
8 In these and other ways the state has favoured those companies who have displayed very high rates of investment , and this almost by definition excludes most small firms .
9 In spite of only thirteen miles on the first day , nine on the second , a day 's rest at Adrar , and another here at Reggane , the average was still eighteen .
10 Savannah animals differ from those of tropical rain forests , and these again from inhabitants of the tundra at high latitudes .
11 It provided no prescriptions for the substantive curriculum , except at the level of general aims , and these only by way of suggestion .
12 In elections in March , however , candidates backed by the city party committees had taken barely 20 per cent of council seats in Moscow and fewer still in Leningrad .
13 The general occupational picture of black sportsmen 's parents is consistent with the rest of the first generation Caribbeans in the UK and as nearly all of them came from the West Indies ( mostly from Jamaica , but others from Dominica , Antigua , St Kitts , St Lucia , Montserrat and Guyana and fewer still from Trinidad , Nevis and Barbados and a small number from West Africa ) this is not unusual .
14 Dinghy sailors , windsurfers and those just on shore holiday all stay half board in Rozos , described on page 39 .
15 Sir Edward led an attack on the Government and said that people on social security benefits and those just above benefit level should receive compensation in full for increased fuel costs .
16 He said that people on social security benefits and those just above benefit level should receive compensation in full for increased fuel costs .
17 The first registers kept were lost , and those now in existence were very irregularly kept , until within the last 50 years .
18 The first registers kept were lost , and those now in existence were very irregularly kept , until within the last 50 years .
19 More than £8 million was never recovered and those still in jail and others undetected may yet end up millionaires .
20 Free NHS sight tests are available to those on low incomes , children and those especially at risk of eye disease , such as glaucoma sufferers .
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