Example sentences of "and [vb pp] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is not surprising , therefore , that recent Marxist explanations of power in capitalist society have tried to explain the more pluralistic modern forms of representation and policy-making in terms , not of some devious desire by the ruling class and their friends but as a limited freedom for actors and forces opposed to capitalism , which is constrained and limited in the last instance by the economic structure of the capitalist mode of production and its ideological hegemony .
2 S. Nicodemus is the oldest of this group of churches but was excessively restored and altered in the nineteenth century when the campanile was built .
3 The present moated Hall was rebuilt during the 16th century and altered in the early 19th century but the house preserves the plan of the 16th century building .
4 This is a separate document which must be signed and witnessed in the correct legal manner .
5 The laboratory method appeals to those who believe that , in the last analysis , human behaviour can be studied and explained in the same way as can events in the world of nature .
6 Everything I have seen and heard in the ensuing months reinforces my belief that drift-netting is a manifestation of an attitude which , unchecked , will in due course murder the only planet on which we can make our home . ’
7 He gestured abruptly to the side of a vast building at one end of the square , lit by flaring torches which guttered and spat in the light snowfall .
8 It may be noted that in Criminal Law anyone who aids , counsels , or procures the commission of an offence is liable to be tried and punished in the same way as if he were a principal offender .
9 The duchy had been elevated to the status of a principality and placed in the Black Prince 's hands in 1362 .
10 There is a slot for each room and the names of the occupants , dates of arrival and departure and terms are typed on a card or slip and placed in the appropriate room number slot .
11 PERT and CPM are valuable when planning a project as they help the planner to ensure that all jobs have been considered and placed in the right logical sequence .
12 PERT and CPM are valuable when planning a project as they help the planner to ensure that all jobs have been considered and placed in the right logical sequence .
13 One of his strange exploits among other frolics , was having a coffin made of copper ( which one of his mines had that year produced ) , and placed in the great hall , and instead of his making use of it as a monitor that might have made him ashamed and terrified at his past life , and induce him to make amends in future , it was filled with punch , and he and his comrades soon made themselves incapable of any sort of reflection ; this was often repeated , and hurried him on to that awful moment he had so much reason to dread .
14 Early in 1939 his branch was renamed MI R , and placed in the military intelligence directorate , though Holland concentrated rather on operations .
15 She walked round the house , planning what she would take : this ornament to be packed in a shoe-box stuffed with wood-shavings and placed in the top drawer of that chest , that cane-chair to be left behind for the benefit of the Colonel 's successor , those curtains to be carefully arranged when the time came , with not more than one fold .
16 In 1815 it was returned to Antwerp and placed in the huge Gothic Cathedral of Our Lady , where it has remained ever since .
17 A third voice , represented by normal type and placed in the conventional part of the page , is itself like another ritual , a fact emphasized by the incantatory effect of semantic and lexical patterning in the repeated , only slightly varied form ,
18 Of these the finest are a pair of silvered mirrors measuring 173x98.5 cm supplied to Edwin Lascelles and placed in the Yellow Damask Sitting Room at Harewood House .
19 On completion of this operation , the assembly was lifted by overhead crane and placed in the inverted position of carriers .
20 Half the sum due should be converted into dollars and placed in the overseas account of Barone Bernardo Dulcibene in the Banco dell'Annunziazione in Siena .
21 Mary Jane Wilson founded a religious order in the island , whose members worked in the hospitals and taught in the many parish schools .
22 He drove back to London Airport and stopped in the long-term garage .
23 One of these tenements , the property of the lord of the manor and situated in the little town , deserves particular attention .
24 The mortuary was a one-slab affair , intended , I think , for coroners ' cases and situated in the large council car-park next to the public conveniences .
25 Both recall and recognition for the central colour detail was unaffected by condition , but the peripheral detail was best recognized and recalled in the neutral condition and worst in the arousal condition .
26 Discovered and excavated in the last sixty years , they have often been described .
27 In whatever form they existed the documents continued to be known , for they were mentioned to Anselm by Osbern in 1093 , and examined in the royal court in 1109 in the presence of at least one bishop who had been present also in 1072 .
28 But his contemporaries were impressed by a literate and articulate sixteen-year-old , his political views formed and matured in the Irish conflict .
29 Long afterwards , when it was over , when he could finally bear to think of it all , he understood that , deep down , Laura had not expected to live beyond thirty and that , without realizing it , he had picked up on this and joined in the relentless , exhausting determination to sample life to the fullest .
30 Although Russia 's eastern expansion was much less extensive than in earlier periods , she increased her influence over northern Persia and joined in the international scramble for influence in China .
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