Example sentences of "and [vb pp] for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yachts have been fined for neglecting to fly one in Turkey , and reprimanded for a torn one in Greece .
2 Secondly , anything suggested by the Progressive Democrats has to be automatically suspect , on the grounds that the Pee Dees are a miserable bunch of motherfuckers who , when Sam Snort grasps the reins of power , will all be rounded up and interned for an indefinite period .
3 In this way , the dictionary , being a general-purpose source of knowledge designed for use by non-experts , is being used to contribute to the recognition of text that is both highly specific and intended for a specific audience only .
4 Often written by women and intended for a female readership , the novels are characterized by a blend of sentiment and sensationalism with elements of the fashionable Gothic ; a number of them were translations from the French .
5 For example on 31 March 1991 , Chelmsford prison had a certified normal accommodation of 244 but an actual inmate population of 403 , making nearly 13,000 prisoners were sleeping two or three to a cell ( NACRO , 1991b ) — typically in prison cells which were built in the nineteenth century and designed for a single inmate .
6 Like the plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs , they were successful and varied for a long time , but all three groups failed to survive the Cretaceous .
7 In later years the main object was to topple the bull from the town bridge whereupon it would be killed and roasted for a huge supper of ‘ bull-beef ’ .
8 Gorbad halted the attack and prepared for a long siege .
9 He marched the twins in the direction of the nearest station and prepared for a long , boring wait .
10 In the Chandni Chowk shopkeepers boarded up their premises , buried their treasure and prepared for a long period of unrest .
11 That relationship was superb and made for an excellent team effort throughout the year , as was evidenced by the fulsome tributes paid to Ian McNeil at the end of his period in office .
12 The plaintiffs , a borough council , brought proceedings under section 222 of the Local Government Act 1972 and applied for an interlocutory injunction to restrain the defendants from using shop premises of theirs for trade on Sundays in breach of section 47 of the Shops Act 1950 The defendants resisted the claim against them on the ground , inter alia , that section 47 was in conflict with article 30 of the E.E.C .
13 ‘ XYZ ’ is the perfect kiss-off to everyone who raved against Moose in 1991 with such blinkered zeal , to all the people who sneered at shoe-gazing — a ‘ scene ’ defined , uniquely , by those who hated all of the bands they ill-informedly lumped together — for being one-dimensional and destined for a quick death .
14 The party machines , however , are being oiled and watered for an early poll .
15 They walked through the gardens together and talked for a long time .
16 Oliver was deeply grateful for this offer of shelter and talked for a long time with his new friend .
17 Kee told her about his life and talked for a long time about the old Haiti and the people he remembered .
18 ( i ) Of course , when A = Z and ρ is multiplication , the above merely repeats results we 've known and used for a long time .
19 When he 'd gone I lay and thought for a long time about poor young Mr Vickers , and of what I should have told Doone , and had n't .
20 Waking very cold and aching , Perdita saw little red flames flickering across the great blue arch of sky and thought for a terrified second that she was in the middle of a forest fire .
21 The moving immediacy of the situation is diluted and exchanged for a homiletic tone .
22 He named the food supply crisis as the most important question of all , and called for a great ‘ crusade , against speculators and the ‘ kulak' , that recurring bogeyman of the regime until 1928 .
23 Kuchma won additional powers from parliament until May 1 , 1993 , to push his reform programme through , and called for a joint commission to be set up to fight organized crime in the Ukraine .
24 In their dialogue al-Hussaini refused to consider Jerusalem as separate from the West Bank and called for a unified Jerusalem as " two capitals with one municipal umbrella " .
25 Both rejected positivistic literary scholarship and called for a renewed attention to literature as literature ; both insisted on the differences between literature and other kinds of writing , and tried to define these differences in theoretical terms ; both gave a central role in their definitions to ideas of structure and interrelatedness , and treated the literary text as an object essentially independent of its author and its historical context .
26 Held , allowing the appeal , that section 69(1) of the Housing Act 1985 imposed a duty on housing authorities to exercise their discretion in deciding what constituted suitable accommodation for persons whom they had a duty to house under section 65(2) of the Act ; that any decision on suitability necessarily depended on the circumstances prevailing at the time and called for a subjective judgment by a housing authority to be made before the performance of the executive act of securing suitable accommodation for an applicant ; and that the duty imposed by section 69(1) was to be exercised by housing authorities subject only to challenge by way of proceedings for judicial review in the High Court , and not on their merits by an action in the county court ( post , pp. 213E–H , 214B–C , 218A–C ) .
27 Feminists in the 60s and 70s deconstructed out culture to find their way and called for a non-hierarchical theory .
28 They specifically condemned the continued fighting in the former Yugoslav republics , expressed their " strongest support " for the UN sanctions imposed on Serbia and Montenegro ( the new " rump " Yugoslavia ) , and called for a peaceful solution to the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh .
29 On the same day its leader Raúl Ubalbini addressed a rally of an estimated 30,000 workers in Buenos Aires and called for a general strike on Nov. 15 .
30 CHURCHMEN and intellectuals in East Germany , worried about the new , aggressive tone that has crept into the emotional issue of reunification , yesterday warned against confrontation and called for a temporary end to mass street demonstrations .
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