Example sentences of "and [vb pp] [adv prt] into [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Anger welled up in Juliet , and boiled over into words she never meant to say .
2 The natural cycle by which organic wastes are returned to the soil and broken down into humus presupposes a balance between soil , plants , and animals .
3 The graphs are un-cluttered and broken down into time , weight and distance categories .
4 A coalition government was formed in May 1915 , continued under Lloyd George in December 1916 , and carried over into peacetime in 1918 .
5 William , though himself without a helmet , fought like a lion to avenge his uncle 's death but was eventually overborne by weight of numbers as well as by another sword thrust from behind — and carried off into captivity .
6 If at all possible , start the campaign while shops are still occupied : once boarded up , they will be perceived by some as an eyesore — though many buildings in this state have been saved and brought back into use .
7 Powerful fans were brought in from other mines and taken down into Bank mine to disperse the gases .
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