Example sentences of "and [vb pp] [prep] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The beginnings were slow and limited to a few sectors where differences in labour costs were important .
2 The laboratory method appeals to those who believe that , in the last analysis , human behaviour can be studied and explained in the same way as can events in the world of nature .
3 Again in Capital Marx set out to demonstrate that the workings of an entire economic system could be logically derived from and explained by a few materialist premises and the theory of class struggle .
4 It may be noted that in Criminal Law anyone who aids , counsels , or procures the commission of an offence is liable to be tried and punished in the same way as if he were a principal offender .
5 ’ The section defines an ‘ existing company ’ as meaning a company formed and registered under the former Companies Acts .
6 Mary Jane Wilson founded a religious order in the island , whose members worked in the hospitals and taught in the many parish schools .
7 Dragging with them seventeen unwieldy brass cannon from Edinburgh castle , they took Norham castle on the south bank of the Tweed , and pressed on a few miles to Flodden in Northumberland .
8 We are both exalted and fallen at the same time : sinful and yet given unique status in the universe of things .
9 These writings appealed essentially to a generation of students bored with academic life and attracted by the street credibility of the Situationists , and often provided students with the dubious pleasure of being flattered and insulted at the same time .
10 and referred to the same phenomenon in his introduction to Pascal 's Pens , in which he declared that certain kinds of ill health may favour not only " religious illumination " but also " artistic and literary composition " .
11 I recently read Stacey 's study of the council , published with its blessing and undertaken by the same means of ‘ participant observation , ’ albeit not apparently requiring the same degree of deception .
12 If a complete unified theory was discovered , it would only be a matter of time before it was digested and simplified in the same way and taught in schools , at least in outline .
13 To return to the offending nettle ( Urtica dioica ) or , it too had its uses : Martin Martin noted that in Skye ‘ the tops of nettles , chopped small , and mixed with a few whites or raw eggs , applied to the forehead and temples by way of a frontel , is used to procure sleep ’ .
14 Of particular interest is that these two applications , within the same factory and installed by the same management team , had radically different impacts on the experience of work of the operators .
15 One short video trigger , filmed and edited by a few ASAP high school students , is an exploration about their own neighbourhood , a low-income primarily Hispanic area with a high incidence of drug and alcohol abuse .
16 Some of these programs belong to the Shareware scheme which means that they can be used and evaluated for a few weeks , and you pay the registration fee only if you continue to use them .
17 The repository will be located at Sighthill and named after a former 19th century deputy clerk register Thomas Thomson .
18 With so many parameters to consider , it is helpful to have a system ensuring that the criteria are consistent and applied in the same order .
19 With so many parameters to consider , it is helpful to have a system ensuring that the criteria are consistent and applied in the same order .
20 Mrs Campbell , who was 47 , had been sexually assaulted and strangled at the All Travellers Quest Guest House last week .
21 The make or buy decision approach described in Chapter 7 is an example of a structure designed for a specific purpose to ensure that a series of related questions are asked and answered in the same ordered sequence by everyone .
22 Tumbler is exclusive to Suttons Seeds and should be sown and grown in the same way as other bush tomatoes .
23 We present a fast and reliable method for sequencing plasmid and M13 phage libraries based on PCR production of seqencing templates in microtitre dishes , from cultures stored and grown in the same format .
24 Another used sweet saffron leaves , baked to dry and fed in the same way : ‘ Only you had to be some careful not to give the horse too much of the powder or else the sweat would bring it out and you could smell the herb on his coat . ’
25 It was situated in a post-war housing estate on the outskirts of Greenock and suffered from the same sort of social and economic problems found in the working class communities elsewhere .
26 Nivelle 's campaign in Champagne opened on 19 April and met with the same fate as most earlier attacks : some 120,000 Frenchmen fell before the German machine-guns and by the day 's end an advance of only 550m/600yds had been made , in tragic contrast to Nivelle 's expected g.6km/6mls .
27 The men and women ( eleven in all ) who met here and talked for a few hours and went their unremarkable ways , were the descendants of the impassioned few Roxborough had gathered around him in the dark days following the failure of the Reconciliation .
28 In the case of this well-liked fatherly brigadier , it was common knowledge that , although he would accept his chauffeuse 's six shillings , he would then pay all other expenses in order that she would be wined , dined and accommodated in the same style as himself .
29 Meet The Feebles ( 18 ) is a smutty satire on the Muppet show , written and performed by the same New Zealanders who made the enjoyably gross sci-fi romp , Bad Taste .
30 For comparison , the cDNAs were also amplified and sequenced in the same experiments .
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