Example sentences of "and [vb pp] [pron] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Ministry of Defence confirmed last night that the Army had finally lost patience and given him a month 's notice to quit .
2 So she had forced the issue , and given him a command .
3 and given them a dish of trifle I think a lot would have just eaten the trifle , had a cup of tea and taken the rest home .
4 Of the two passengers , both women , one had turned and given them a glare , the other pretended nothing was going on .
5 ( 2 ) Allowing the appeal , that before making the prohibited steps orders the justices should have informed the parties of their intention and given them an opportunity to make submissions as to whether such orders were appropriate ; that the justices had had no jurisdiction to make an order prohibiting the parents from having contact with each other because such contact was not a step which could be taken by a parent in meeting his responsibility towards his child and thus was outside the terms of section 8(1) of the Children Act 1989 ; that , on the evidence they accepted , the justices had been plainly wrong to refuse to make the interim care orders ; and that , accordingly , the court would substitute interim care orders relating to both children ( post , pp. 271B–D , H — 272A , F , H — 273A ) .
6 See people at San Carlos hungry and given them the rest .
7 ‘ We 've called up the PR firm we normally liaise with and given them the name of the hotel you 're booked into .
8 It 's been an odd kind of fulfilment ; and it has quite knocked on the head all the priggish ideas I may have had , and given me a sense of values .
9 He had taken her off the streets and given her a home because he was besotted with her ; the home that Sarah 's mother had kept clean and cheerful even when her health was failing .
10 Now she saved her animus largely for the council , which seemed unfair , since it had permitted her to buy for almost nothing the house which her mother had rented and given her a grant for improvements .
11 She was settled for the night ; Clare had put her to bed and given her a mug of warm milk and two sleeping tablets .
12 The bumpiness had churned her stomach and given her a headache , but she kept her complaints to herself .
13 ‘ I think it was a threatened abortion , so I 've sent a sample for pregnancy test , and given her a shot of analgesic . ’
14 He had encouraged and praised her , bullied her a little when she needed bullying , and given her the love and support that had made her feel , even in the darkest moments of self-doubt , that she could rise above all the problems and emerge triumphant .
15 Porter , one of the country 's most respected authorities on paediatrics , had taken a shy Puerto Rican intern called Carmen Rodriguez under his wing twenty years ago and given her the confidence to start up her own practice soon after graduating from medical school , and she was now one of New York 's most popular and in demand paediatricians .
16 We have enforced questionable criteria , appealed to divine authority and given ourselves the right to make our own interpretation of it .
17 Have you ever walked up to a fox and given it a cuddle without it trying to bite your arms off ?
18 Now in the House of Lords , she has written her biography and given it a title which could well sum up her life , Fighting All The Way .
19 Responding to criticism from environmentalists , the government has increased the Inspectorate 's staff and budget , and given it the status of an independent agency .
20 She had learned as a girl and given herself a week 's holiday for a thirtieth birthday present .
21 ‘ — and given us a home in a shoebox , ’ said Gurder automatically .
22 The bread and the wine are consecrated with the reminder that ‘ through Jesus , God has freed us from the slavery of sin ’ and given us a life that is free of such bondage .
23 He would have survived if he had accepted the plan in the first place and done what the Corporation had wanted him to do instead of putting forward his own counter proposals .
24 Celie felt special , Shug made her feel special , especially when she wrote and sung her a song .
25 But later he had come back and handed her the letter , the letter Adamus had typed , from the Scarabae .
26 Some of her family and friends who knew that her marriage was unsuccessful may assume that her feelings about her husband 's death could only be those of relief that their life together is over at last and that she is now free to seek a better future for herself ; not realising that if a woman has lived with a man for many years , unless he has treated her with extreme cruelty , and shown her no love at all throughout the whole of their marriage , some kind of bond is bound to have existed between them , and that even if he left her with only a handful of good memories of times they spent together , it is likely that she may want to hold on to them , cherish them , and even build upon them .
27 She recalled the housekeeper 's kindness to her the previous evening , when she had led her from her mistress 's chamber and shown her the room that Miss Merchiston had assigned for her use .
28 I wished we might have stopped and offered her a lift .
29 In the later years of the dynasty there was a growing belief that the Queen of Sheba had visited Solomon in Jerusalem , had been seduced by him and borne him a son named Henelik , who founded the Abyssinian royal line .
30 It might have been better for Butler to have set reason apart from the whole hierarchy of conscience , self love , benevolence , and particular passions and allotted it the role of ascribing different degrees of authority to each , that is , of saying how they ought to relate to each other mutually .
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