Example sentences of "and [vb past] off [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Men , as he tried to pull himself to his feet , something big and heavy and square cannoned into him out of the dark and plunged off after the wizard .
2 But the US ( with the UK in tow ) shaped up for war with Iraq and steamed off to the Gulf to protect their own interests , saying that they were doing so on behalf of the whole world .
3 I bundled him into the care and zoomed off to the nearby University Herbarium with a whole leaf of the plant .
4 ‘ I do n't need the river — one look at you is enough ! ’ she declared , and stalked off into the trees .
5 Then he spun on his heel and stalked off round the side of the cart .
6 He dumped it down behind the boat-house and went back towards the house , then after a bit he came down again with a picture , and dumped that , then he took the bag and made off up the path with it . ’
7 ‘ He just walked in , pushed her aside and made off with the handbag , ’ she claimed .
8 But he recovered his balance in a stride and made off for the water jump .
9 Nearly fifty years ago a posh , lanky young man packed his bags and made off into the undergrowth of England .
10 They battered us into the bushes , and made off into the forest with the cart and the team and the load , and left us to limp away on foot wherever we would .
11 We decided to forget about the third canister and made off across the cornfield at speed , the jeep bouncing up and down on the very uneven surface .
12 The police think that the prowler — that 's what they called him , not me — was disturbed and made off across the car park . ’
13 Another rustle followed before a glossy blackbird hopped out and made off towards the parkland .
14 ‘ Poor old Corbett , ’ said Septimus Coffin , as Penny shoved the books into her briefcase and made off down the drive .
15 He turned , pale-faced , and made off down the corridor .
16 Mr Hutchinson managed to raise the alarm but the two men helped themselves to the cash and made off in the car driven by Wishart , of no fixed abode .
17 At the sound of gunfire the refugee ship turned away and made off round the southern counties and up towards Liverpool , where it was finally recognised as a friendly vessel .
18 Then he jumped on to his black horse , and rode off over the moor with the hounds running and crying around him .
19 Within an hour Allan , Donald the smith , and the Logan brothers had set off down the strath to Weem with the petitions in a leather wallet , to add to the already thick bunch in James 's strong-box , and Cameron and James had got horses from a sympathizer in the village and rode off towards the narrow glen of Keltney .
20 Over at the manse the Reverend William McIvor , in a drab overcoat , let himself out by the back door and rode off to the north-east by a back path through the woods near Taymouth Castle , keeping his grey garron on a tight rein and stepping slowly so that the hoof-beats were nearly soundless .
21 She turned her back on the squabbling creatures and crept off along the footpath .
22 The Asian security man unlocked the door to the documentary department office and loped off down the corridor with a distracted smile on his face .
23 Blanche glanced up and down the empty pavement , slid on her leather gloves and loped off into the night .
24 The first problem occurred when they left the road and moved off into the open desert .
25 Then , throwing her a wink , he turned and moved off into the crowd .
26 So they collected their actors and actresses , a film crew of twelve and their livestock and moved off to the Utah desert to begin filming .
27 Barn owls used to breed in the hay bales but when these were shifted the birds objected and moved off to the nearby quarry .
28 He glanced up at the sky and remarked : ‘ There 's nowhere to go at this time of night ’ , at which I said that I would be going home , and moved off to the right .
29 Mr. Decker grinned weakly , made a vague gesture with his hand and moved off down the aisle to buy an ice cream .
30 He touched the American 's elbow and moved off in the direction of a single Ming vase standing on a pedestal nearby .
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