Example sentences of "and [vb past] at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Corbett and Ranulf , riding abreast , stopped and gazed at the chaos .
2 That night , they sat on the ice together and gazed at the sky .
3 She bent closer to the painting and gazed at the master 's signature .
4 Bragg looked up angrily , then walked to the window and gazed at the church tower beyond .
5 She braced herself and gazed at the compass , silently begging the needle to stop wavering to and fro .
6 He sighed and gazed at the cello .
7 Carol Jackson rolled onto her back and gazed at the ceiling , aware of the movement from the adjacent room and also of the perspiration that sheathed her body .
8 He stuck the candle upright in a socket then sat and gazed at the flame , letting it mesmerize him into memory .
9 A low drone of talk hummed in the hut , and Holly lay on his back on his bunk and gazed at the roof rafters and counted the time between each fall of a water drop to his feet .
10 He lit a cigarette and gazed at the page of his book until the printed words ceased to dance about .
11 And gazed at the cross
12 She tripped , and tottered at the edge of the kerb .
13 The final element in the change of eighty four thousand pounds between years is the reduction in the committee 's budget four thousand pounds for efficiency savings , which we discussed and agreed at the meeting in September .
14 Cypriot coffee is made individually in small , long-handled pots which are wide at the base and tapered at the top .
15 She caught his attention , asked whether he was Edouard and lived at the address Cobalt had given her .
16 Victoria turned over in her sleep and cooed at a dream .
17 When Edward III of England invaded France , John went to Philip 's aid and fought at the battle of Crecy where , as R.W. Seton-Watson describes it : ‘ giving the reins of his horse to two of his companions , and shouting the battle-cry of ‘ Prague' ’ , he charged into the thick of the fray and , blind as he was , soon went down fighting ( 26th August , 1346 ) .
18 This is bright red and is extruded and flickered at the enemy when the caterpillar is disturbed .
19 He kicked gently and rose at an angle towards the ceiling .
20 I was in charge of weekly wages and organized shifts and hours , as well as keeping a check on the quantities of tomatoes brought in and weighed at the entrance of the factory .
21 Although castellated and towered at the front , the Castle is in fact a perfectly ordinary farmhouse behind the façade , and its rear elevation is plain and workmanlike .
22 A hand was clapped roughly over her mouth , and she was almost lifted up by the arms and moved at a run back into the house , where Mrs Prynn was waiting in her nightcap and gown , with the trap door into the cellar open and the key in her hand .
23 Once away from the railhead , however , the army was back in the age of Napoleon and moved at the pace of horse and man .
24 We all take drugs in some form or another , some are legal , you can buy them over the counter or your G P may prescribe , those are illegal , but still widely available and used at a price .
25 He was a religious sheikh and presided at the mosque the girl 's father attended .
26 She bent down to retrieve the best china from the floor , whilst Ray picked up teaspoons with one hand and dabbed at the goat 's milk with the other holding his handkerchief .
27 She fetched antiseptic and some cotton wool , then bent towards him and dabbed at the place , a pose that brought their heads close together .
28 She took out an unexpected wisp of lace and linen , and dabbed at the nose .
29 The tall man elbowed his way past the curtain and peered at the patient .
30 So uncovered their eyes again and peered at the sun-god through their lashes .
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