Example sentences of "and [vb past] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Alone , she reached out and clung to the wooden balustrade .
2 This was the theme tune at last month 's revolutionary rallies , where the crowds sang it with great gusto and clapped to the jaunty rhythm of its concluding lines .
3 In effect it was a return to the conditions of mid-Silurian times , with a corresponding decrease in provincialism , but it lasted longer and led to the fantastic flowering of the Frasnian reefs .
4 Their later work looked at the smoking habits and health of doctors and led to the crucial evidence that those who stopped smoking eventually lost their increased risk of lung cancer .
5 From AD 312 ‘ indiction cycles ’ of fifteen years ' duration were introduced by the Emperor Constantine for taxation purposes and led to the Byzantine year being reckoned from 1 September , the date on which each year of an indiction cycle began .
6 Although the requirement of intervention in the nasal oxygen group was halved , the most extreme example of hypoxia occurred in this group and led to the only termination of the procedure .
7 But Hardin was writing long before the avalanche of discoveries that have revealed the fine structure of the human genetic material , spawned sensitive techniques of screening and most recently pre-implantation diagnosis , and led to the first attempts at gene therapy .
8 The Swiss yearning for independence was soon aflame throughout the cantons , and led to the famous Confederation .
9 It is , however , a very special kind of autobiography , and may be compared to the accounts of their own lives which the early Methodists were expected to write at the time of their reception into the church : in such spiritual autobiographies divine visitations were singled out for special mention as evidences of God 's grace and power ; they were contrasted with laments over sinful behaviour and backsliding , and led to the culminating moment of conversion .
10 The dollar crisis and the abandonment of the Gold Standard signalled the beginning of the end of the dollar bloc and led to the inevitable American withdrawal from Vietnam .
11 The collapse of this organisation created a multitude of problems and led to the rapid disintegration of the Soviet Union as a unitary superpower .
12 This kind of desire for a natural — and ‘ reasonable ’ — religion developed strongly in deism , and led to the same kind of conflict with orthodoxy as with the Bible and miracles .
13 With a flourish he removed the cover and revealed to the incredulous eyes of the staff a feast of sausages and bacon .
14 In both content and form there was a parallel shift from the classical and idealized to the every-day and contingent .
15 In the novel , Balzac , Stendhal , and especially Zola illustrate a developing modernization in content , in their shift from the classical and idealized to the social and the every-day and finally , in Zola 's case , to approximating the fully contingent .
16 Yet in their intensity , their beauty and their perfection , Werner Bischof 's photographs speak of a life that was at all times deeply considered and lived to the full .
17 It became apparent that Edward could win nothing if he persisted against Stratford and refused reforms ; in May , therefore , he adjourned the archbishop 's trial to a committee of peers ( which in fact he never convened ) and assented to the reforming statutes .
18 While the Society of Women Market Vendors exposed the corruption of the PDC and objected to the high tariffs in the new markets , it was not sufficiently organized to form a counter-proposal or take action upon it .
19 Then , realising she was still clinging to his arm , she snatched her hand away and moved to the other side of the path .
20 Pearce Print was set up in the centre of Northampton in 1979 and moved to the new Moulton Park Industrial Estate until changing its location to Kettering in 1991 .
21 The synoptic outline might have been more serviceable had it been separated from the list of languages and moved to the first volume .
22 Grant was very much a ‘ practising chemist ’ and moved to the analytical practice of Hehner and Cox in 1948 .
23 I put on a spacesuit , went outside and moved to the big round door .
24 The resolution also called on the governments of Guatemala and El Salvador to support the process of national reconciliation in their countries , and appealed to the international community " to facilitate the process of peace and democratization " in Central America .
25 But yesterday , with the republic 's police force ruptured along ethnic lines , and civilians heavily armed , Bosnian leaders made a volte face and appealed to the federal army to step in to help separate the warring factions .
26 He said outright opposition to tests was an ‘ ancient attitude ’ and appealed to the other main teaching union , the NUT , not to join the boycott .
27 Few books can have captured so powerfully and quickly the imagination and appealed to the religious yearnings of a gullible public than Chariots of the Gods and its successors .
28 First , it called for international support for the Iraqi " uprising " and appealed to the Iraqi army to join the ranks of the rebels .
29 But it was the mock-Tudor style which first caught the public 's imagination and appealed to the burgeoning market of more affluent self-builders who were happy to delegate the construction , says Potton 's PR manager , Richard Crisp , who joined the company four years ago after building his own Potton home .
30 The opposition objected in principle to the law ( which was to enter into force on March 11 , 1990 ) and appealed to the constitutional tribunal which , however , upheld it .
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