Example sentences of "and [vb past] a little [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even Green did wonder why a better path could not have been made and recommended a little landscaping of trees and rocks which blocked the views of Stock Ghyll force .
2 Afterwards , he settled down and relaxed and became a little bit more impish .
3 And she made a little dint in the ground which filled with some water and became a little pool for the snake to drink out .
4 Later , in The Sense of Order , my book on decoration , I say somewhere that the shepherd boy who cut a twig from a willow tree and made a little pipe to play a tune on may have been a great genius but we can not tell .
5 He was in demand for the hearing of confessions and made a little chapel for this purpose on the ground floor of his house .
6 paid me poll tax , paid me s search fee and got a little bit of cash out for readies and s , there 's now at this moment in time , there 's four hundred and fifty pound in there .
7 I went into this shop and got a little box of them .
8 A light breeze came off the sea and provided a little relief from the afternoon heat .
9 After a bit we both found the grammar rather monotonous and tried a little conversation so that my English would benefit too .
10 Mary said nothing , but she drank some tea and ate a little bread .
11 As he spoke he broke the seal on the carton of cream for his coffee , inadvertently squeezed the carton , and squirted a little jet of cream up her skirt between her thighs .
12 Miss Honey poured the tea and added a little milk to both cups .
13 He took out a pipe and poured a little brandy .
14 He chewed and smiled and cuffed a little run of juice off his chin with the heel of one hand .
15 Some of them were younger and jollier than their predecessors , and enjoyed a little dancing to the music of a gramophone .
16 It would have been inconsiderate , and the possibility was not discussed , although Groa , moving from hall to hall with her husband , took the chance to pack a few extra boxes with thick clothes and blankets , and spent a little time during her last call at Orphir studying the crucifix Bishop Jon had pinned over her bed and wondering whether or not it would be Christian to pray for a wind .
17 The sailing ship Roraima arrived at St Pierre early in the morning of Thursday , 8 May , and anchored a little way off shore .
18 ‘ Might as well pay you now , ’ he said , and pulled a little tin box out of one of his desk drawers , opened it , and began to count out her meagre wage .
19 A further decree in 1982 , this time initiated by a civilian government , reinforced state control of the banking and finance sectors and went a little way to encourage Nigerian capital to invest more in the manufacturing sector .
20 And then we bought a copy of the New Musical Express and saw a little ad that went with it .
21 Anyone who had had that knew a bit about the Treasury and knew a little bit about fighting back and working round them and all the rest of it and of giving orders direct to the Chancellor and saying , ‘ Look , this is what we must have ’ , and then getting the Cabinet to back it , so that it was harder for the Treasury to say ‘ No . ’
22 If it had been a Peter Reid type , someone who battles and fights his way through every game as if his very life depended on it , I might have sat up and took a little bit more notice .
23 I sat in the children 's ward , the only one left , and nursed a little boy who had once again returned , but who had developed a whooping cough complication on ‘ the day ’ itself .
24 Ingrid watched her , as she skipped lightly before her eager audience and gave a little half curtsy .
25 The woman looked after her and gave a little shrug .
26 As I reached the end of the student union building I looked back and gave a little finger-wiggle .
27 He shrugged and gave a little laugh .
28 Turning to face front , she suddenly saw Ellie and gave a little screech of alarm .
29 Kelly waved as she pulled away in her car , and gave a little sigh of relief .
30 He looked down at the manuscript and locket and gave a little shudder .
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