Example sentences of "and [vb past] [pn reflx] into the " in BNC.

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1 I gave Becky to them and lowered myself into the water .
2 But she did not answer him , only bent and lowered herself into the water , hissing as the coldness burned into the wound , a faint moan escaping through her gritted teeth as she began to wash .
3 And that curtain went from the window right across the room and pinned itself into the piano , pinned the curtains into the piano .
4 I was spitting with fear and frustration as I yanked on some clothes and flung myself into the control area .
5 Pickets broke through the police lines and flung themselves into the road in an attempt to stop the vehicles .
6 Then we slipped into the kitchen , got up on the sink , and hauled ourselves into the little attic .
7 Once again they turned their backs on the God who had brought them out of Egypt , and threw themselves into the arms of another .
8 Half running , half walking , they fled through the back garden , narrowly missing the Anderson , and threw themselves into the passage-way , the leaves swirling in after them .
9 I stopped going to parties , stopped drinking and threw myself into the regime of Ron 's hard training schedules .
10 Callowly , I was disgusted by all this ; I avoided my mother and threw myself into the job of telling lies for La Clava .
11 He made a dash for the big front door and threw himself into the gloomy chill of the hall .
12 As the god made no response Aenarion kept his promise and threw himself into the raging , white-hot inferno .
13 Rex thrust Laura into the back of the car and threw himself into the driver 's seat .
14 ‘ What happened next I do not know , ’ said the servant , ‘ but a year later she came to our house here and threw herself into the mistress 's arms and begged her to take her in .
15 Miles crossed decisively to the starpod , unsealed the hatch and swung himself into the cabin , smiling as it snuggled shut behind him with a soft pneumatic wheeze .
16 He put a foot to the stirrup and swung himself into the saddle .
17 He turned away and swung himself into the saddle of the horse that Bravd was holding .
18 Shelley took the medical bag and swung herself into the jeep .
19 Rain grabbed the doors and thrust herself into the lift .
20 I ran forward and dashed myself into the water with a skimming dive .
21 Its talons whipped out and embedded themselves into the boy 's skull , using the emptied eye sockets as a means of entry and Nuadu , narrowing his eyes against the dimness , saw that the talons were in fact hollow tubes , thin transparent bones .
22 Trent passed it up along with his weightbelt , slipped off his flippers and mask , dropped them over the taffrail and pulled himself into the cockpit .
23 She wiped the filth out of her eyes and pulled herself into the wreckage of the cockpit .
24 Harry withdrew inch by inch along the dim passageway to the end , where he could have the wall on two sides of him , and flattened himself into the last shallow embrasure , beneath the last curved corbel .
25 Out in the car park , Lucy handed over the car keys to Virginia and wedged herself into the passenger-seat , glancing rather apprehensively at Virginia as they accelerated slightly too fast out of the car park .
26 With David 's help I unfurled my multi-coloured paraglider , donned a helmet and strapped myself into the simple harness .
27 I wanted to make certain I was leaving the jeep with Kaptan — I wanted to establish my connection with the family , give a hint of trouble I could solve ( without making it look like a threat ) , and put myself into the frame without a hint of asserting myself .
28 Daak turned and hoisted himself into the speeder 's cockpit .
29 He stopped talking as Marshka entered and wheeled himself into the empty space at the table , at that end farthest , on the right-hand side , from the president .
30 I felt I was going mad last night , so I wrote and wrote and wrote myself into the other world .
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