Example sentences of "and [vb past] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He read widely in all spheres of learning and became inspired with the idea that he had a mission to introduce the learning of western Europe to his countrymen in Serbia .
2 Presumably the synthetic oligonucleotide was taken up by the cells and became bound to the complementary sequence on the viral RNA .
3 The right of the painter to move around an object and combine various views of it into a single image , first stated in writing by Metzinger in 1910 and elaborated a few months later by Allard , was quickly adopted by most critics as a central feature of the style , and became related to the conceptual or intellectual aspect .
4 Practically every device of the movies started as a special effect and became assimilated into the everyday language of film , just like metaphor in language .
5 Some bacteria , such as the one that causes syphilis , have flagellae ; and it seems likely that flagellae and cilia originated as parasitic bacteria which , instead of causing disease , remained and became incorporated into the cell as the relationship was mutually beneficial .
6 When made into handbags , the leather ceased to exist as separate goods and became absorbed into the handbags .
7 All biological life thus adapted its metabolism to the level of solar warmth , and became adjusted to the strength of solar radiation prevailing at the time .
8 The pots were heated and the essential oils rose in the steam and became lodged within the wool .
9 In 1891 came the publication of African Aphorisms , or Saws from Swahililand , an annotated collection of some 600 proverbs ; the work ( reissued in 1924 ) provided an outlet for his immense erudition , and became recognized as a classic in the domain of Swahili studies .
10 Thomas of Sandwich subsequently became mayor of Bordeaux in 1289 , and became embroiled in a dispute with the burgesses which led to an appeal to the Parlement of Paris ; his place as seneschal of Ponthieu was taken by Richard de Pevensey .
11 Young people were afraid , wondering if they would have time to have their children , and became agitated at the racheting-up of international tensions in East and West .
12 During the afternoon of 10th. a number of Bf109s from 7/JG 26 appeared and became engaged in a dogfight with intercepting Hurricanes .
13 He then moved to Westminster as a consulting engineer and became engaged in the survey , design , and construction of many large schemes for canals , railways , docks , and harbours , including those at Port Talbot , Ipswich , Penzance , and Neath .
14 He began at left-back , but it was on the right that he really excelled and became recognised as a quality player by friend and foe alike .
15 Some of the poems were written down and became known to the outside world before the end of the eighteenth century .
16 It was eventually terraced and became known as a sort of Methodist ‘ cathedral ’ .
17 The work on the atomic bomb , which had been carried on in the British Isles , was transferred , in 1943 , to the United States of America , and became known as the ‘ Manhattan Project ’ .
18 Following its days of silk production , it was turned over to piano making , and became known as the Evans Piano Factory .
19 The breed expanded into other Scottish counties and became known as the Ayrshire by the early nineteenth century .
20 Kelly was the striker who helped little Leatherhead embarrass a succession of League sides in the mid-70s and became known as the ‘ Leatherhead Lip ’ .
21 The chosen method which has been implemented is described below , and became known as the ‘ backwards ’ , or ‘ inverted look-up ’ .
22 When the rough land above Dentdale was enclosed or " occupied " , the road was walled for most of its length ( which shows how important it was in the life of the Dales ) and became known as the Occupation Road .
23 This was the same fault , as it turned out , which cut off the Bonsor Vein at its northern end , and became known as the Great , or Kernal Cross-course .
24 In the course of his testimony he pleaded the Fifth Amendment , refusing eight times to answer questions in order not to incriminate himself , and became known in the press as " Silent Sam " .
25 Willie was soon forgotten , and became mixed into the group again .
26 This idea developed in the Church and became linked with a theology which is known as ‘ penal substitution ’ , the idea that Christ paid the penalty for you and me .
27 As machines were introduced to record activity , these support data were printed out onto paper , were signed , dated and cross referenced by the scientist and became attached to the book 's pages .
28 The child climbed out of the cab and became caught in the unguarded pto of the attached implement .
29 Some of the marooned passengers were less confident , and became unnerved by the uncertainties , the delay , the heat .
30 But then , early in 1168 , a new revolt broke out and became entangled with the question of the family settlement .
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