Example sentences of "and [vb past] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He slapped his hands together and beamed around the overcrowded cockpit .
2 It was the morning of Emilia Frere 's departure from the Hall and for a few minutes Louisa found herself alone with the Rector , who fingered the brim of his hat and beamed like the milky sun outside .
3 Clare had planned so often the details of her own wedding , so often pictured herself , radiant in a long , white dress with train , leaning on her father 's arm , advancing with a slow , fragile step down the aisle towards Mark , handsome and smiling in morning dress , while the organ pealed and the candles and flowers blazed , and the guests beamed and whispered in the crowded pews — that she felt a surge of pity for the girl who would have nothing to remember but this sordid little ceremony .
4 Soon one could ignore it , except now and then when the fire seemed to take a huge breath and glowed with a sudden fierceness which sent sparks flying crazily up the chimney .
5 The night sky was brilliant and the stars seemed to wink like precious stones against the velvet darkness ; the streets , carpeted by ice and hard snow , shimmered and glowed under the pale moonlight .
6 Tim considered them , glanced back at his shelves , noticed a gap and pounced upon a rectangular block of tikka masala sauce .
7 the case that most people regard the way in which the National Library has been built and planned as a total national disaster and a vast waste of public money .
8 Alone , she reached out and clung to the wooden balustrade .
9 Visiting yachts can be taken out of the water by the club 's ten ton crane and wintered on the hard or in the shed .
10 All that is most sensible and clearheaded in the Catholic church will meet in Rome on May 17 to celebrate the beatification of Mgr Josemaria Escriva ( 1902–1975 ) who founded Opus Dei , the unecstatic religious movement which may yet save Christianity from the sex therapists .
11 This was the theme tune at last month 's revolutionary rallies , where the crowds sang it with great gusto and clapped to the jaunty rhythm of its concluding lines .
12 He breathed a huge sigh and gazed into the dark water .
13 I stood up and gazed at a small pile of my toys which had been thrown to one side of my cupboard .
14 She sat there , her feet on tiptoe , just reaching the black and white floor , and gazed at the glazed bumps of the linen towel hanging from a hook on the back of the door , the little wash-basin shaped like a scallop shell , the black and white edging of the tiles above .
15 When I made no response he turned and gazed at the far line of coral reef that was marked by a fret of white breaking water .
16 Five years ago , the cabinetmaker John Nethercott and his wife Annie stood in the drizzle and gazed at the leprous grey hulk of Upper House , Discoed .
17 Victoria , oddly quenched , sat at Aunt Margaret 's feet and gazed at the shifting patterns in the fire , singing to herself a wordless , keening song .
18 Helen leaned over my shoulder and gazed at the long lines of boy scouts , girl guides , ex-servicemen , with half the population of the town packed on the pavements , watching .
19 Joseph fingered his rifle and gazed at the pretty little muntjac .
20 She went up to the bedroom and gazed at the old four-poster , hardly noticing the faded splendour of its blue and gold canopy as she scrutinised the decorated wooden frieze that ran along the top .
21 Instinctively they had again swung left and plunged into the familiar shelter of the woods .
22 He sprinted along the bank and plunged into the freezing chest-deep water as the 15-month-old boy floated quickly away , face down .
23 Branches cracked from trees and plunged into the turbulent waters behind Tallis , who clutched her cloak and cowl , holding them tightly against the tearing wind .
24 He did not have time to check his mirrors for police cars as he passed All Hallows-on-the-Wall and plunged into the long straight canyon of London Wall .
25 With a swiftness prompted by desperation she weaved a path through the crowds of guests and plunged into the relative quiet of the old house .
26 The lorry smashed through a brick wall and plunged into the fast-flowing canal , landing on its side .
27 With a choked little cry he jumped backwards , turned and plunged into the unseen , gripping the banister and screwing his eyes tightly closed as he ran .
28 She went through the house door leading into the garage , seized a rake and plunged into the cold wind .
29 Roosevelt 's New Deal programme was an exercise in regulatory government and led to a major growth in regulation by administrative agencies .
30 A study in COLOMBIA found that an integrated service with proper medical back-up cost four times as much per person-year of protection as a straight female sterilisation drive and led to a wide-ranging cost-cutting exercise .
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