Example sentences of "and [vb past] i [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Eliot saw the point , and asked me to sit down forthwith and draft a synopsis .
2 Recalling that horrifying October day when she visited Courtney in Harley Street , Miss C told the jury : ‘ First , he took me into his office and asked me to go out and buy baby oil .
3 And on this morning , of all mornings , James phoned at the crack of dawn and asked me to preside over a ridiculous Press party .
4 When he joined Ingard and wanted a number two he thought of me and asked me to come in with him .
5 Stuart came home last night in his usual cheerful mood , gave me a kiss , put his arm round me and made me sit down as if he had something important to say .
6 He relaxed his death-hold on me and made me sit down with him on a convenient bench .
7 He pipped me mum and made me jump out of my bloody skin .
8 He called to me , and invited me to go in and have a drink with him .
9 She phoned me earlier this week and invited me to come down here to see her land .
10 She saw that I was looking pale and vacant and told me to sit down .
11 He took my passport off me and told me to sit down on a bench sat against the wall ; I picked up a magazine and read it while he checked my details .
12 Somewhat naïvely , I had expected it all to be sorted out then and there , but the chap just took my name , gave me a form to fill in and told me to come back a few days later for a full interview .
13 The sergeant offered to phone Mr Jones for me , and told me to stay around because Mr Jones would no doubt ring me back .
14 Esmerelda jumped up and down and told me to hurry up and make the kite fly .
15 Type Report on Yugoslav Spitfires by Peter Arnold in the April issue ( p70 ) evoked many memories for me and caused me to rummage around for some half-forgotten photos of nearly half a century ago , and there it was , Mk VcJK808 ‘ B ’ with yours truly in attendance .
16 The coachman took my luggage and called me to hurry up .
17 My wife and I are staying at the Danieli , but she 's not been feeling well and urged me to take up the offer of an observer 's seat here . ’
18 He looked suddenly suspicious that I was making fun of him , which I was n't , and grabbed me to look down the front of my dress .
19 ‘ But my chief at Liverpool CID would not let me take part , because he was away on holiday himself at the time , and required me to stand in for him .
20 Or , rather , that was my excuse to myself when the letter first arrived and sent me sailing up on to Cloud Nine .
21 The crunch came when my bank asked for my credit card back and demanded I pay off the overdraft at once .
22 The second call was to someone else and necessitated me going out later that night to pick up two ounces of best Lebanese Red and three of mixed grass and seed , on a sale-or-return basis .
23 She wants this doll , well Julie got it yesterday and said I phoned up , she said you 've got ta listen to this she said I 've just put a battery in when you want to hear it cry .
24 Phil disappeared for twenty-four hours and had me ringing up the local police station .
25 Because he did n't think his player was coming over , Orville Moody 's caddie had taken Tom Weiskopf 's bag , but when he suddenly heard Orville was flying over , he ditched Tom and suggested I take over the bag .
26 ‘ They 'd begun to despair of me , so one of the lecturers ’ he laughs , ‘ bunged a camera in my hand and suggested I go out and take some photos instead .
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