Example sentences of "and [vb past] [pron] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Suddenly the guy pulled a knife on the bouncer and stabbed him to death-right in front of my eyes . ’
2 It 's alleged that twenty eight year old Andrew Livermore of Northampton , went to the home of Digby Saunderson last August and stabbed him to death on his doorstep .
3 I tipped about half of the cash into the box and then took a couple of shirts from the second bag and laid them on top of the remaining cash .
4 Martha took out the two tiles and laid them in front of him .
5 He pulled the small plastic box free and laid it on top of the crate , fumbling in his jacket pocket for something .
6 It was Marriott who suggested that Stirling should make himself scarce for a while and recommended him to Brigadier Denys Reid .
7 I use a very old Gibson pickup and wired it with hardcore , heavy duty cable on a guitar built by a guy out in San Francisco called Gary Brower .
8 It was one of the magnetic forces that drew them overseas , and led them to disappointment quite as often as to wealth .
9 The pair had been trapped in an upstairs ' room until firefighters smashed their way in through a window and led them to safety down a ladder .
10 One of the sentries took their horses and led them across Tower Green , now ankle-deep in icy slush , to where a depressed-looking Colebrooke was waiting .
11 Perhaps even more than in the case of energising Anglican evangelical clergymen like William Marsh , in the ranks of evangelical nonconformity the powerful leadership of some ministers shaped the attitudes of chapel communities and led them into collaboration across denominational and church/chapel lines .
12 ‘ And you just got up in front of Henry and those pipsqueaks in your department and said , ‘ Sorry and all that , old chaps , but I 've been wrong all my life and led you into error and wickedness ’ ? ’
13 Bobby bought it yesterday and lent it to dad cos we bought we bought ourself , well Rob , dad did , I do n't look at them erm they 're too violent for me but dad bought it in Superkey only five ninety nine .
14 Tommy gave straight answers and expected them in return .
15 Good ! ’ said Breeze , and attacked hers without delay .
16 She was accosted by a make-up girl who fluffed about with powder and asked her about eye make-up .
17 I phoned Shirley , a friend I 'd made who ran a travel agency , and asked her to book me on the mid-day Concorde .
18 But Jim insisted , insisted that I bought him a pint and asked me to caddie for him the following week at St Anne 's .
19 A surly man stepped from a trailer doorway and asked me for money .
20 Eva also insisted on Dad improving the service : she got him to consult esoteric library books early in the morning before work and asked him at breakfast , in a voice which must once have enquired of Charlie if he 'd done his technical-drawing homework , ‘ And what did you learn this morning ? ’
21 He was on Muizenburg Beach , then a popular resort , when a stranger came he up and asked him in Afrikaans ‘ Is your name Cranko ? ’
22 He needed this knowledge on the day a deaf house-painter called to decorate his house , and asked him in sign language which school he went to ( a conversational gambit which remains unchanged to this day . )
23 They were always touching each other ; they fucked the lecturers and asked them for money for drugs .
24 Then went to the Citizen 's Advice Bureau ( CAB ) at Wembley , as my husband had suggested , and asked them for information about how to join a union .
25 Right well it came up when War on Want wrote to us and asked us to affiliate and we had a brief chat about it and felt that there are many groups that we could affiliate to .
26 Syl 's mother disapproved of this most bitterly and rebuked me for waste .
27 The giant , who by now had reached her , was maddened with what he saw and battered her to death with his club .
28 ‘ He turned to face her , brought her to the floor and battered her to death , ’ he said .
29 Within this tomb is laid the body of the Christian Emperor Charlemagne , who guided the kingdom of the Franks with distinction and ruled it with success for 47 years .
30 He returned to politics in the mid-1920s , backed Al Smith in 1928 and succeeded him as Governor of New York .
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