Example sentences of "and [vb past] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Improv provides business an professional users with a unique set of capabilities for dynamic viewing and analysis , and , for building spreadsheets that can be easily reused , modified and shared over a long lifecycle .
2 It was the legacy of the previous form of uneven development based in the sectoral spatial division of labour ( high levels of unemployment from previously dominant sectors which had overwhelmingly employed men ) which provided the conditions ( regional policy grants , a ‘ green ’ , female labour force anxious for paid employment ) which attracted in this new form of economic activity and laid down a new form of uneven development .
3 She opened the door and gazed down a splendid vista of reception rooms that opened out one into the next , which Buzz had learned was typical of grand French houses .
4 FORTY-FIVE people were killed last night when an excursion coach careered off a Spanish motorway and plunged down a steep embankment .
5 Here too the distinction was not absolute , and hides many other differences ; but the bulk of the lower clergy were half educated at best , and led quite a different life from their superiors .
6 She lifted a hand to her face and wiped away a greasy sheen of sweat .
7 It was not itself a centre of manufacturing , but it outstripped all other ports as a point of transit for English exports and became thereby a major entrepot of international trade .
8 His red , lumpy features were transfigured and he stopped being a badly assembled mass of fleshy fragments and became instead a vital man .
9 PREMIER John Major yesterday assured the Chancellor his job was safe and ruled out a festive Cabinet shake-up .
10 Even when compared with the 1983 landslide victory , the Conservative share of the vote increased in the South East ( including Greater London ) , East Anglia , West Midlands and East Midlands , and registered only a marginal decline in the South West ( albeit with a share of the vote still in excess of 50 per cent ) .
11 In his first independent act as king he established his authority on a sure foundation and revealed both a sound political judgement and a determination not to allow himself to be dependent upon a small group of powerful nobles .
12 That may be so , but the prince was ousted from power by the Lon Nol coup back in 1970 , and made only a brief comeback as a Khmer Rouge figurehead in 1976 .
13 They were used mainly to provide public works and made only a marginal impact upon the distressed : the Poplar workhouse was severely overcrowded in both winters .
14 The preferred model , which allows individuals to treat sources of income receipts other than benefits and earnings differently , gave very good results , and passed both a statistical test and a theory check for consistency .
15 I went to the pawnbroker and got back a little gold locket .
16 Mrs Fry went straight to the kitchen , told us to sit down at the table , opened the oven ( split-level cooker , of course ) and got out a huge pot .
17 And er he advertised and got quite a few .
18 It was begun in 1084 and built over a seventh century church which now forms a crypt .
19 The Siemens family maintained both British and German connections , for William 's brother Werner remained in Berlin and built up a great electrical engineering business there , making among other things the first trams .
20 In several important ways , they resemble ourselves , for they are heirs to an ancient history and deep culture , and built up a great sea-going empire through gruelling effort and wise leadership .
21 He also introduced a bleachfield to supplement the local cloth trade , and built up a local mining and coal-selling business .
22 In his nigh on sixty years , he had lost two fortunes and built up a third .
23 He extended the family fortunes by marrying a Welsh heiress , and built up a considerable personal wealth by acting as a mortgage broker to less fortunate or less thrifty members of the gentry .
24 She was celebrated in the media , was featured in a 1940s radio programme and built up an impressive list of clients Sacheverell Sitwell , the Marchioness of Bristol and the Countess of Rosebery plus a clutch of other aristocrats placed regular orders , and a certain Mrs Demarest of the Manor House , Harrold , Bedfordshire used to send twelve small cheeses in lieu of Christmas cards to a selection of her titled friends .
25 Furious that a rare kind word from Nathan Bryce could so easily demolish the façade of efficiency and confidence she had worked so desperately hard to maintain , she blinked hard and sucked in a deep breath .
26 The same chapter in Chronic Diseases highlights this thus ‘ In taking one and the same medicine repeatedly ( which is indispensable to secure the cure of a serious chronic disease ) , if the dose is in every case varied and modified only a little in its degree of dynamization , then the vital force of the patient will calmly , and as it were willingly receive the same medicine even at brief intervals very many times in succession with the best results , every time increasing the well-being of the patient . ’
27 Only when he trawled his memory of leaving the room earlier , and found there a distinct recollection of checking that he had locked the door behind him , did irritation turn to anxiety .
28 The church is Romanesque and approached along a tree-clad path that makes a very pleasant change from the more normal city approach — straight off the road .
29 Amongst those who have fallen prey to their charms are none other than the Beaujolais Brothers , who whisked the merry troupe off to their chateau and cracked open a few bottles of ultra-rare white Beaujolais Nouveau .
30 In her room Phoebe pulled on her jeans and a shirt , and snatched up a thick pullover and the bottom half of her track suit for Maggie .
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