Example sentences of "and [vb past] [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Matthew Evans was to split his role and that the hunt was on for a new m.d. , rumours that Mr Evans was ‘ bailing out ’ and the company was on the block were fanned by the trade 's more supportive friends at Private Eye and pounced on by publishers overexcited at the prospect of getting their hands on , if not the company , then at least some of its authors .
2 The car wallowed around the last bend in the descent and cruised across in front of the school gates leaving two trails of dust behind .
3 The term itself was coined in the 1930s and arose originally from studies of schizophrenia , though it has since proved equally ( if not more ) applicable to psychotics with other diagnoses , notably mania .
4 Board members needed to feel that training was meeting their specific needs and arose directly from needs .
5 Afterwards the gods ' puris were torn up and shared out as prasād .
6 The water is the deepest hue of aquamarine and whipped up into meringue peaks .
7 A thin layer already covered the frost-hardened ground , and clung delicately to tree-branches , clothes-lines and back-garden bric-à-brac .
8 But to others , he was a stubborn old man , in constant physical pain , who harassed his opponents , drove his ministers to resign and clung ignominiously to power after losing his once-crushing parliamentary majority .
9 Pushing north the following day , the Nez Perce looted a wagon-train , killing three teamsters , and skirmished briefly with soldiers from Fort Benton .
10 There were heaps of clothing on the floor , roughly sorted and laid out on newspaper .
11 This issue of Action newsletter is the first to be typeset , designed and laid out on desktop publishing ( DTP ) equipment which has recently been installed at WACC 's offices in London .
12 And that 's I I had a quick er look through last year 's sales and and laid out in fact I went through item deliveries and worked them into the months
13 Plant was installed by Works staff and planned and laid out by Richard Hagley , the works Machinery and Plant Superintendent , and his staff of technicians .
14 The location of a builder 's work is continuously changing , and labour is frequently engaged at the commencement of a project and laid off upon completion .
15 From 1815 he used potentised remedies for the toxic and insoluble inert materials such as Silica , Carbo Veg etc. and dosed directly with drops of the less poisonous mother tinctures such as Bryonia , Pulsatilla , Rhus Tox .
16 He just sat in his chair and gazed up at Granny 's picture in its faded gilt frame .
17 He turned to the altar again and gazed up at Paddy 's back and tried to concentrate .
18 He took a deep breath and gazed squarely into Kirov 's eyes .
19 Athelstan hid his disappointment and gazed despondently at Cranston .
20 I knelt and gazed around in astonishment .
21 He lowered his hand and gazed out to sea again .
22 He stopped speaking and gazed hard at Corbett and then continued quietly , almost as if he was talking to himself .
23 Ruth sipped her drink and gazed across at Steve who was happily engrossed in their latest project , a presentation for one of the largest computer software companies in the UK , offering their salesmen lavish holidays in lavish Majorca in exchange for lavish rises in sales .
24 Then he went over to the window , and gazed down into Hand and Ball Court for several minutes , frowning and pushing his lower lip up alternately .
25 He went over to the window and gazed down into Hand and Ball Court .
26 Ilbrec turned and gazed down at Fand .
27 We sat with our backs against the trig point and gazed down like Gods on the coastal plain of Thassos .
28 Cranston let out a sigh , shook his head and gazed appealingly at Athelstan .
29 Athelstan rubbed his mouth with his thumb and gazed directly at Cranston 's sorrowful face .
30 The second part is the most complete and up-to-date account so far of works by Piero Manzoni , organised in tandem with the biographical/historical part , documented by 1101 pieces and divided typologically for ease of consultation and to explain the artist 's modus operandi .
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