Example sentences of "and [vb past] [pron] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The proprietor took over , and was still serving the portions when one of the waitresses came in and whispered something to Delaney .
2 Cousin Jane looked across at her and smiled and whispered something to Mike .
3 ‘ Suddenly the guy pulled a knife on the bouncer and stabbed him to death-right in front of my eyes . ’
4 It 's alleged that twenty eight year old Andrew Livermore of Northampton , went to the home of Digby Saunderson last August and stabbed him to death on his doorstep .
5 It was Marriott who suggested that Stirling should make himself scarce for a while and recommended him to Brigadier Denys Reid .
6 Bede perceived in Ceolwulf a love of religion and recommended him to Ecgberht , bishop of York , in 734 as a willing helper in the work of ecclesiastical reform and organization .
7 It was one of the magnetic forces that drew them overseas , and led them to disappointment quite as often as to wealth .
8 The pair had been trapped in an upstairs ' room until firefighters smashed their way in through a window and led them to safety down a ladder .
9 Mona asked what the dear child was burbling about , and led him to Bumface 's vacant chair by the fire .
10 He calmed the animal , quickly inspected it , then led it to a second , checked this animal too for wounds and led it to Wynne-Jones .
11 Wearing the briefest of briefs , red-faced Joe played on until the referee , Mr Jones , very kindly removed his own shorts and lent them to Storey .
12 Bobby bought it yesterday and lent it to dad cos we bought we bought ourself , well Rob , dad did , I do n't look at them erm they 're too violent for me but dad bought it in Superkey only five ninety nine .
13 I phoned Shirley , a friend I 'd made who ran a travel agency , and asked her to book me on the mid-day Concorde .
14 But Jim insisted , insisted that I bought him a pint and asked me to caddie for him the following week at St Anne 's .
15 Right well it came up when War on Want wrote to us and asked us to affiliate and we had a brief chat about it and felt that there are many groups that we could affiliate to .
16 The giant , who by now had reached her , was maddened with what he saw and battered her to death with his club .
17 ‘ He turned to face her , brought her to the floor and battered her to death , ’ he said .
18 The WPBSA 's constitution does not permit player-directors to be paid , but the board voted itself a 50 pence per mile travelling allowance in 1984 and doubled it to £1 per mile this year .
19 Edward II particularly profited from the almost unctuous service of Pope Clement V : he it was who absolved the king from Archbishop Winchelsey 's curses and from his own various oaths ; it was Clement who appointed Reynolds , the king 's chaplain and treasurer , to Worcester and translated him to Canterbury to the exclusion of the eminently qualified capitular candidate , Thomas de Cobham ; above all , Clement alleviated Edward 's poverty with papal subsidies .
20 ’ Blenkarn received the goods but never paid for them and sold them to Cundy who knew nothing of his fraud .
21 And sold them to children who passed by his door
22 Thurland and Höchstetter had , they wrote , divided the mines into 24 shares or " whole parts " and sold them to Nobles and Lords , who paid 11,200 for one-twentyfourth part , besides 1850 towards the maintenance of the works .
23 I think it came from David , but Angie and Tony certainly drummed it up and sold it to us and then went on and sold it to others .
24 In National Mutual General Insurance Association Ltd. v. Jones ( 1988 H.L. ) the issue was whether the sections could operate to defeat the title of someone much earlier in the chain of events than C. Thieves had stolen a car and sold it to A who sold it to C ( a car dealer ) who sold it to D ( another car dealer ) who sold it to Jones .
25 For as the Industrial Revolution progressed and changed much of Northern England , the Lake District became more and more of an economic backwater , a comparatively poor district where , for example , people scraped the yellow lichen Ochrolechia tartarea from the rocks and sold it to dyers for a penny a pound .
26 He sat in the corner of the Silver Shuriken , as far away from the bleeding video jukebox and bleeping zapper games as possible , sipping the foul antifreeze that passed for beer in the U.S. of Bloody A. He would have cut off his left doughnut and sold it to Johnny Galtieri for a pint of Six X Wadsworth , two bacon-and-cheddar sarnies and a packet of crisps with a blue twist of salt in them .
27 There was a Django Reinhardt tape playing , I know because I recorded it and sold it to Stubbly , and Ken the barman was sitting on a bar stool reading the News of the World .
28 He was a cavalcade of theatrical camp , a marionette who dressed up gay attitudes in new frocks , and sold it to grannies from Neasden .
29 An RAF helicopter spotted their craft drifting about 10 miles off Aberdovey and winched them to safety .
30 Schellenberg read the article quickly and passed it to Devlin .
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