Example sentences of "and [vb past] [adj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Fast starting John Ferrin ( North Belfast ) set the previous record of 29.16 last year but yesterday it was Larne man Wilson who took the lead after only 800 metres and led all the way .
2 and knotted all the while .
3 and knotted all the while .
4 and knotted all the while .
5 and knotted all the while .
6 who was walking down to the telephone kiosk and asked all the questions about the area so that I
7 She got the food well out of the way mid-afternoon , devised a tongue-teasing cocktail , and asked all the people she loved .
8 Mr Pilkington was delighted and became such an enthusiast for air travel that he went on to make many more business trips by air , some of them as far afield as Australia .
9 Lynch moved the headquarters of boxing in Scotland from Edinburgh to Glasgow , and made practicable the use of football stadiums for open-air boxing shows .
10 This circumstance placed extra demands on the education service during the 1960s and 1970s and made possible a reduction in expenditure in the 1980s , in both cases without any change in the level of service provided ( Bailey 1982 ) .
11 For example , the deregulation of brokers ' commissions on Wall Street in 1975 started a revolution in other financial capitals — the ‘ big bang ’ in London — and made possible the rise in international competition in sectors previously reserved for nationals .
12 She appointed officers , kept a watch over financial affairs , and made sure the work was progressing smoothly .
13 Isabel gave the grey a last pat and made sure the door was securely closed before speeding back through the rain to her own shelter .
14 And when it came out I gave it a puff in my little rag , and made sure the others did the same .
15 The Headmaster was very pleased with himself and made sure the specialist was on his way .
16 She had been a teacher , and made sure the girl went to a good school : ‘ my granny had more influence on me education-wise .
18 While window-shopping in Manhattan or on Broadway , they would find that they were being followed block after block , then , having sized up her figure and made certain the Girl was aware she was being followed , the man would walk ahead , glance round to check that her face was as good as her body and start a conversation .
19 I think he could have done with a general chapter on the French State , which would have placed Diderot more firmly in his times and made clearer the difficulties he encountered .
20 The campaign over the contagious diseases legislation aggravated and made explicit the tensions between male and female hierarchies of expertise which had been present in the alliance between medics and lady philanthropists from the 1850s .
21 They 'll calculate as if Carmichael sold the whole consignment to end-users and made all the profit himself .
22 Miss Chalk , who joined Pipe a couple of months ago , started 5-2 for the first division of the Yellow Collar Selling Hurdle and made all the running to beat Dreaming Star by 10 lengths .
23 It was cheap to do , too , as Simon designed and made all the units himself .
24 Some 400 million years ago , they found ways of surviving out of water and made such a success of life in their new surroundings that they ultimately gave rise to the most numerous and diverse group of all land animals , the insects .
25 MONDAY After the Miracle by William Gibson , which continues the wonderful Helen Keller story , was produced by the Horseshoe Theatre Company at the Central Studio , Basingstoke in 1990 and made such an impact that there were demands for a repeat .
26 Although Green took heed of this advice and made such the subjects of many successful paintings , his main strength was in his large scale landscapes .
27 In the 1950s the UK was still second to the USA for its share of world manufacturing exports and produced half the world 's export of motor cars .
28 Our club membership consists of a large number of ‘ Taffs ’ , so we have been shocked and horrified that the W.R.U .
29 Colin 's father Brian , 50 , sent his son programmes for every home game , while Middlesbrough striker Bernie Slaven sent him a video tape and got all the team to autograph a football shirt for him .
30 She had done all the house out and got all the presents and everything , but then they says I could n't have him or see him .
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