Example sentences of "and [vb past] [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 There are frequent occasions in a drama session when children are divided into groups and asked to work on a task .
2 Recruits were forced to march along dusty tracks on their knees , packs on their backs , caps held above their heads ; they were woken and made to hop on the spot , half-naked and loaded down with sandbags , for two to three hours .
3 But what sort of a man was it who could be kidnapped , bundled into a cart and made to lie on the floor under a rug with a gun at his head while being driven halfway across the city on a cold November afternoon — and then just calmly and quietly fall fast asleep ?
4 When they got out they were taken inside a building and made to sit on a stone floor that was gritty and unswept .
5 We were ordered into the service area off the kitchen and made to sit on the floor .
6 This constitutes a ritualistic burning of the books in which the characters were conceived ; they are thus taken out of the ‘ old world ’ of their origins and made to embark on an adventure in the ‘ new world ’ of Brooke-Rose 's novel .
7 Subclone fragments were then sequenced in both directions using M13 universal and reverse sequencing primers and aligned based on the method of Staden using the GCG 's Fragment Assembly Programs ( 8 ) .
8 Not long after Charlie had his lorry pinched and got hit on the head . ’
9 Whistling to himself , Henry laid the table , while , in the corner of the kitchen , Maisie finished her last chocolate bar and got to work on a packet of crisps , a tube of Rollos , half a pound of jellybabies and a jumbo bar of Turkish delight .
10 So I joined the half-dozen speechless loners and got to work on the Sidecars .
11 Once his parents were able to reassure him that his mummy had been very ill for a while but now she was better but had to take medicine he became a much easier boy to handle and stopped urinating on the carpet .
12 Russia and Ukraine agreed on Aug. 29 to abide by their treaty of Nov. 19 , 1990 , guaranteeing borders , and promised to work on an economic agreement with the " states-subjects of the former Soviet Union " .
13 He filled the kettle and set it on the hob , then went through to the front room , closed the shutters , and tried radioing on the frequency Caspar had given him for the US Embassy in Belpan City .
14 He squirmed uncomfortably on the damp stone , and tried to look on the bright side .
15 She pushed her inner chaos to the back of her mind and tried to concentrate on the coming day .
16 Stepping up to bat in the eighth inning of game five on Sunday with the scores tied 1-1 , the Giants first baseman had trouble controlling the adrenalin , ‘ but I took a deep breath and tried to focus on the point of release of the ball ’ .
17 Unlike both his younger brother and sister , who clearly suffered from an inability to form stable ties with other people and seemed to depend on the bottle to bolster their self-assurance , Valentin 's reputation was almost that of a good prince in a fairy-tale .
18 He stood up and seemed to roll on the balls of his feet .
19 But she usually heard him creep in , however late it was , and came scratching on the door just as he had got his trousers off , or just as he was scraping her uneaten steak-and-kidney pie into a polythene bag to throw away at the office next day .
20 His eyes moved along the branch and came to rest on a brilliant blue bird sitting there .
21 Then an arm lifted , as though of its own accord , and came to rest on the crown of his head .
22 These separated and came to rest on the head of each of them .
23 The chickens would all be cooked by the next afternoon and allowed to cool on the pantry 's cold slabs .
24 The two governments also undertook to co-ordinate customs and police investigations of illegal waste shipments , and pledged to cooperate on the development of recycling technologies ( notably in packaging , cars and domestic appliances ) .
25 The script was commissioned quickly to replace Coburn 's dropped ‘ The Robots ’ story and thereby maintain the balance between historical and futuristic adventures , and production was scheduled and slotted to follow on a week later from ‘ The Tribe of Gum ’ .
26 My presence disturbed them and they flew screaming about me for many minutes until they tired and began to settle on the dark water .
27 Donna shifted the receiver to her other ear and began doodling on the pad .
28 More men appeared in the street and began to converge on the courtyard .
29 He gave her fingers a brief squeeze , then released them and began drumming on the table .
30 But after a while she wanted a change from her routine and began to go on the weekly trips regularly .
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