Example sentences of "and [noun prp] in [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As to Rutland , if at first glance its gentry look significantly less prosperous than similar men in other Midland and southern counties , the impression may well be a by-product of the very completeness of the survey , resulting in virtually everyone answering the description being accounted for , whereas with Suffolk and Sussex in particular the subsidy returns , which provide the sole evidence , highlight gentlemen whose goods exceeded their lands in value , and on which in consequence they were taxed .
2 ( 1 ) To present some of the simpler properties of the sets Z and Q[x] in such a manner as to emphasise their similarities ( and their differences ! ) .
3 With Team 1 first Team 2 second and Ralph , Carter and Joseph in third the glass doors were smashed open .
4 In Italy and France in particular the Communists had done well in post-war elections .
5 In those at Hebron and Nablus in mid-1981 the Fatah/Islamic Bloc coalition actually won a majority over the NGC supporters .
6 As a result the vector is seen to rotate through an angle φ which is the separation in longitude between A and B. In general the rotation of a local vector when carried round a closed path on any two-dimensional surface is given by the expression which is easily checked for the route discussed .
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