Example sentences of "and [adv] a [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Several contractors have had it and it 's never been right and eventually a few days or weeks later a man comes round to pick up the grass which has already flown everywhere so it 's too late and a wa total waste of money .
2 Travel has been easier than in the upper course valleys and so a few villages have grown to become market towns .
3 We have all become used to matching colours in the home , and perhaps a little colour co-ordination in the garden would not go amiss .
4 ‘ … a little cottage , and perhaps a few chickens .
5 The crucial question is whether the arbitrator 's is a typical authority , or whether the two features picked out above are peculiar to it and perhaps a few others , but are not characteristic of authorities in general .
6 We might run in the chaps I saw , and perhaps a few others , if they maintain a twenty-four hour guard on the place .
7 Born in 1903 , a year before Graham Greene , they met only when Orwell was dying ; and only a few letters are known to have passed between them , all composed in polite terms , as if to strangers .
8 Reasons of security lie behind the decision and only a few works will not be staying , including a handful of objects and paintings belonging to the artist himself and the painting ‘ Montroig , the church and the people ’ ( 1919 ) which has been promised to the Fondació Joan Miró in Barcelona .
9 I knew only that they happened there in the darkness and only a few feet from the pavements .
10 For the programme pick-up , Basil Hilton and Tony Geluch were using a single condenser microphone suspended centre stage and only a few feet above the conductor 's podium .
11 The kind of boat fishing at sea that I 've always done has had quite a few fathoms below the boat , but here the water was clear and only a few feet deep , we were certainly less than one hundred yards offshore .
12 The Halflings were cut down to a man , and only a few Knights Panther escaped to warn the Emperor Sigismund of the impending approach of the Orc horde .
13 Carved out of the rock and only a few inches wide , they require a certain agility .
14 As Weber ( 1963 ) points out , Sweden , Holland and Denmark are small nations with limited sized labour forces and only a few industries of major importance .
15 This infill bears few craters , and only a few craters have been partially obscured , indicating that the whole Caloris basin since its creation has suffered few impacts and is therefore comparatively recent .
16 Dig the soil to the depth of a spade or fork , and clear out the rubbish as you go large stones , glass , china , bottle tops , sticks , wire , plastic and so on — at the same time mixing in a thin layer of rotted garden compost , especially if the soil is shallow and only a few cm ( in ) deep on top of chalk subsoil .
17 Skip could not speak Russian and only a few crew members could speak limited English .
18 felt too tired to drive me on to ESF 's house , so I got there by bus , or rather by two buses ( an easy change ) , the first starting from about a hundred yards from and the other stopping just behind the Zoo by Primrose Hill and only a few minutes from Eduardo .
19 The audience too seemed miles away and only a few coughs could be heard .
20 No camera lens can match the flexibility of the human eye and only a few experiments in stereoscopy attempt two-eyed ( binocular ) vision , essential to true 3-D perception .
21 After all the ditches I 'd waded through I was n't going to be defeated now — and only a few yards ahead was the blessed sea .
22 Rightly , because there was no easy link to be made and only a few years previously the best criminologists were explaining the increase in crime as an inevitable consequence of prosperity .
23 In the treeless streets between high blank walls one saw no cars and only a few people .
24 The crowd had thinned out now and only a few people were left , dancing in a desultory fashion on the dimly-lit stage .
25 With an equal number of doctors and town watchmen in the city , about 50 , no gas and only a few oil lamps illuminating the winding streets and alleys , the dark work of the Resurrectionists went ahead almost unhindered .
26 Normally she would never have allowed such a thing on her own doorstep , but with the street lights out and only a few candles glimmering , no one would see .
27 Situated directly on the promenade and only a few steps away from the boat departure point , this beautiful art-nouveau building has been lovingly restored to combine the old style will all the comforts of a modern hotel .
28 A month before the World War broke out , and only a few months after he became a parish priest , the Archbishop of Canterbury tried to make him head of St Augustine 's College at Canterbury , which had the work of training men to be missionaries .
29 Although OSS was no more , the idea of having some form of intelligence agency to operate abroad had taken root and only a few months later Truman changed his mind .
30 There was only minimal violence during the game ( provided courtesy of Clare ‘ Tango ’ Herrington ) and only a few excuses afterwards .
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