Example sentences of "and [noun prp] [adv] [verb] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Rent and Norfolk now deserted Lancaster and accused him of sedition , and the king ordered the confiscation of all his property and the property of his supporters until they submitted unconditionally .
2 Jimmy and Cardiff both saw Rohmer reach into the inside of his overcoat .
3 Jill pointed , laughing , at the door , and Jim playfully ushered Lindsey out as a pencil sailed past his ear .
4 He reappeared a moment later and Whitlock immediately recognized Mobuto when he emerged behind the bodyguard .
5 Kyaw Nyein went along as an Adviser , and Rance also wanted Thakin Nu to go : he was , he told London , ‘ The most important member of AFPFL Working Committee excluding Aung San ’ ( 29 December ) , but he remained behind to give direction to the League while the others were in London .
6 A good deal is said about nuclear proliferation and Goldschmidt staunchly defends France 's uncompromising stance on trading in uranium .
7 A passing cart rolled by splattering him with mud and Corbett quietly cursed Burnell for sending him here .
8 Lars and Kosi carefully manoeuvred Christine through the gap .
9 Indeed , Hartland and Wright almost carried New Zealand to stumps without loss in their second innings , and probably would have done so but for a debatable bat-pad decision against the former .
10 In the 1960s , Honda , Kawasaki , and Yamaha almost killed Norton .
11 These works produced only two Scottish replies arguing against the English case , The Complaynt of Scotland , and the recently discovered Ane Resonying of ane Scottis and Inglis merchand betuix Rawand ( Rouen ) and Lionis ( Lyons ) by the royal councillor and administrator William Lamb , an imagined discourse between two merchants travelling in France , in which the Scottish merchant utterly refuted , point by point , the claims of Henry VIII set out in his 1542 Declaration .
12 And Becky duly chose Barbara as an ideal make-over subject , and took a camera crew over to Widnes to do an interview and to re-vamp Barbara 's image .
13 No-one claimed responsibility for the attack , but Hezbollah and Syria both blamed Israel .
14 Charles of Blois was the candidate favoured by Philip VI , and Edward accordingly supported Montfort , offering him not only military assistance but also the earldom of Richmond , with which the Breton ducal family had a connection going back to the Norman Conquest .
15 ‘ All of the support that has been offered is fantastic and Zara really likes Chris ( Bradnam ) and his methods ’
16 Famous ministers like Horne , Clifford , Watson , Horton , Charles Berry of Wolverhampton 's Queen Street Congregational Church and Forsyth often visited America to conduct long preaching and lecturing tours .
17 Mason and Dixon eventually reached England early in 1762 .
18 On the surface their pact is simple enough — Fox willingly teaches Woods about women , and Woods reluctantly teaches Fox about policing .
19 When Bishop Geoffrey Rufus of Durham [ q.v. ] died on 6 May 1141 , the Scots tried to intrude David 's chancellor , William Cumin , as his successor , and Cumin immediately seized Durham Castle and the bishopric 's temporal resources .
20 John Wood Group and Fireater both sponsored John in his challenge which resulted in £300 for the children 's ward at James Paget Hospital in Great Yarmouth .
21 Maxwell House , which has become the other local brand now seeing as how Maxwell House is owned by Kraft , and Kraft now own Terry 's .
22 A private party in some high-rise apartment block ; looking down into the city from the forty-second floor , it was like being inside a radio , one of those old valve radios , and Jed almost told Creed what he thought , he almost blurted something Creed would n't even have understood , You must 've had radios thrown away some time , did n't you ? but the rush blew over and he was still staring down into the forest of lit buildings and he still had n't spoken .
23 Petipa and Massine also met Newman 's requirement for the balancing and treatment of episodes .
24 While making Gargantuan in Spain during the Fifties ( Fielding again ) , Bullion had chartered sex planes from New York , London and Paris just to keep Lorne in chicks for the five-month shoot .
25 Fujitsu and Siemens have been bes ' friends for decades , and Fujitsu already supplies Siemens biggest mainframe CPUs OEM , while Siemens markets Fujitsu VP supercomputers in Europe .
26 Repeatedly , their mutual admiration surfaces , and Johnson always found Burke a challenge , always felt it necessary to raise his game in Burke 's presence .
27 But in 1969 women and Oz effectively meant Germaine Greer .
28 Guillaume , it appears , did not exert himself to keep the promise and Modigliani repeatedly asked Zbo about them .
29 And Juliet suddenly remembered Donna , and Mrs Hazell 's frightened face came to her mind .
30 There was no challenge as the former West Ham and Birmingham forward buried Craig Shakespeare 's corner with an emphatic downward header .
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