Example sentences of "and [adv] by the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 It is an attractive modern hotel , run pleasantly and professionally by the Sinclair family who originally came from Orkney .
2 Local abolition committees spread in 1788 prompted by Clarkson 's visits and perhaps by the Manchester committee 's circular letter to other towns .
3 They have never been given equality of status with the other ‘ nations ’ of Yugoslavia , and even under the benign 1974 Constitution they are conscious that they are regarded as inferiors , barely tolerated by the Slav peoples of Yugoslavia , and especially by the Serbs .
4 Every word in it has been typed four times ( once by our Paris correspondent , once by the French telex operator , once by a typist in our office , and finally by the Linotype operator at Index Printers ) .
5 They had spies out , to be sure , but so far no definite reports had come in other than that Balliol and the English army , now unfortunately reinforced by the Highland and other Scots adherents , had left Perth ten days before , cavalry and foot marching southwards by Auchterarder and the Allan Water , to cross Teith by the Ford of Keir and Forth by the Fords of Frew , presumably to avoid any opposition at the vulnerable Stirling Bridge ; which conjecture had set Alexander Ramsay worrying about Doune Castle and Mariot Randolph , not to mention her brother raising his levies thereabouts .
6 Cycling on the road connects you to the line at Whitecraig and thereafter by the River Esk Walkway to Musselburgh .
7 All social policy legislation was the responsibility of the Northern Ireland government , and revenue was raised partly by local taxes and partly by the United Kingdom taxation system .
8 Japan 's colony of Korea was occupied partly by Russian troops and partly by the US in 1945. prior discussion among the allies had agreed to aim at international trusteeship followed by independence , but superpower interests and conflict between Korean independence groups rendered agreement on unification impossible , and the two sides became increasingly polarized .
9 Subsequent comments during October , however , by Bush and US Secretary of State James Baker , and also by the United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd emphasized the growing likelihood of a Western military offensive unless Iraqi forces withdrew from Kuwait .
10 Officially , Britain is keen to present its lobbying effort as a ‘ gentlemanly exercise ’ that falls in behind those being conducted by the American Navy , by the Lockheed Corporation , which is making the D-5 , and also by the White House .
11 Will those applications , which total 4,500 from my constituency alone , be assessed fairly and reasonably by the DSS in Strathclyde and will he assure me that there will not be the delays that characterised the applications for disability benefit vis-a-vis vibration white finger and beat knee claims ?
12 This unusual variation on the Plains tipi design was favoured by some Plateau tribes , and particularly by the Nez Perce .
13 How his powers had been used by slave traders , who had murdered the rest of his family , and then by the T'Ka drug cartel .
14 The rotating presidency of the Council was held by Ireland for the first half of 1990 , by Italy for the second half of 1990 , and in 1991 it was held first by Luxembourg and then by the Netherlands .
15 But it was strongly felt by many in the court , and indeed by the Shah himself .
16 Biddesden was bought by the Everetts in 1795 , and subsequently by the Grahams .
17 A new military doctrine , ‘ reasonable sufficiency ’ , was adopted by Gorbachev at the 27th Party Congress and subsequently by the Warsaw Treaty Organisation .
18 This derived largely from fears amongst Latin American ruling groups of a threat to their own positions , concerns which have been played upon and reinforced by Great Britain in the 1920s because of its considerable stake in the Argentine economy , and subsequently by the United States .
19 Diary and news magazine programmes : These too are organised both nationally and regionally by the BBC and networked by the independent companies .
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