Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb base] to a " in BNC.

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1 You can leave your pension in the fund , as described above , and additionally contribute to a personal pension , providing your contributions do not exceed the allowed Inland Revenue limit , i.e. two-thirds of final salary ( or whatever is allowed according to the rules of the scheme ) .
2 Between the two the unquantified aspect is easier , you just have to push and push and eventually get to a kind of measurement .
3 Losing tended to lead to a disintegration of the group , and the search for scapegoats both within and outside the group ; tasks needs became even more important to the loser ; losing , however , forced groups to re-evaluate their view of themselves and eventually come to a more realistic assessment of what changes were required to make the group effective .
4 Commanders were selected at top level of course , after which they were invited to attend at HQ where they would sift through the applications from prospective crew members , discuss them with the administrating Inspector and eventually come to a mutual agreement on the crewing of each cutter for the following year .
5 Issues which were to influence subsequent events and eventually lead to a national curriculum are specified : first , that the curriculum is overcrowded and the timetable overloaded ; secondly , that pupils who move from one school to another are penalized because of curricular variations between schools ; thirdly , that curricular arrangements within each school tend to give rise to unequal curricular opportunities for pupils ; fourthly , that the school curriculum is not sufficiently relevant for life in a modern industrial society ; and fifthly , that there are evident weaknesses in existing assessment procedures and methods of recording pupil progress .
6 For Augustine , mystical experience operated in the gap between the Creator and creature , enabling man to recognise his own true nature and so come to a knowledge of God — a process possible only because of the Incarnation , the love poured out from the being of God to his creatures which revealed how He could be known .
7 Thus a normal training time in the new time zone might coincide with night on home time and so lead to a physically poorer and psychologically dispiriting performance .
8 Then redaction criticism is of limited value , but its methods can help to bring out the special interests of the editor and so lead to a fuller appreciation of the theology expressed in his work .
9 By bringing up a puppy in the context of a set routine , the anxiety factor present in dogs ( and humans alike ) will not be brought into play and so lead to an aggressive outburst .
10 He said that the increasing number of pressure groups in other EC countries ( which at the moment have fewer groups than the UK ) would influence both public and political opinion and thus contribute to a situation in which implementation and enforcement of EC environmental legislation would improve .
11 His legal advisers are anxious to establish a functioning police and judiciary system so that Somalis can begin to administer themselves — and thus bring to an end the violent anarchy that has caused the death from famine of up to 400,000 people .
12 For the moment it is enough to observe that the Historie/ Geschichte dichotomy could very easily end up looking rather like Lessing 's between the accidental truths of history and the necessary truths of reason , or Fichte 's between the historical and the metaphysical , and thus lead to a position open to the same charge of Gnosticism that Baur had laid at the door of Hegel and Schleiermacher .
13 This will shift the L curve to the right in diagram ( a ) , and thus lead to a smaller fall in the rate of interest than that illustrated .
14 This will improve the tester 's familiarity with the test and gradually lead to an accumulation of knowledge of testing in general .
15 Messengers would then , when making up numbers for ships ' crews , ignore the crowd of men outside , " sneak out and deliberately proceed to a boarding house and obtain the required number of men " .
16 As these sales have evolved from the original trading of bric-a-brac and home produce to an open market for all goods , this has proved a lucrative market place for groups trading in illegal software .
17 ‘ As these sales have evolved form the original trading of bric-a-brac and home produce to an open market for all goods , this has proved a lucrative marketplace for groups trading in illegal software . ’
18 Those with oily or normal complexions may need to change the kind of face creams used and those whose skins have always been dry will need to take even more care and possibly change to a heavier cream .
19 Since he took up the position in 1987 , closures of geriatric hospitals , partnership with the private sector , nurse regradings , NHS trusts and a review of maternity and acute services , which will cut over 1,000 hospital beds and possibly lead to a closure of a number of hospitals , are among the controversies which have raged .
20 I like to understand the meanings of words and always refer to a dictionary when I come on a new word .
21 It is possible to do away with demons and still cling to a belief in the Devil , but once the Devil is denied then ipso facto so are the demon hordes .
22 The typical pattern is for the Japanese businessman to eat at a restaurant in the evening and thereafter go to a bar or cabaret .
23 The Types of Space section is particularly informative and should stimulate communities to identify the green areas in their neighbourhoods and hopefully lead to a greater appreciation of them .
24 It is a condition of employment for all staff to sign and strictly adhere to a Code of Business Ethics .
25 Either way , a rise in exports , being an injection into the circular flow of income , will raise aggregate demand and hence lead to a multiplied rise in income .
26 And if Germany is destined to become one and inevitably rise to a position of leadership in Europe , let us seriously consider the sceptics ' view that it should at least not happen in our generation .
27 ‘ All seated stadia will put the game beyond many people and inevitably lead to a back door ban on away fans as capacities are drastically reduced . ’
28 Thus the typical people criminally victimizing and forcing us to fear each other and fracture our sense of ‘ community ’ are young uneducated males , who are often unemployed , live in a working-class impoverished neighbourhood ; and frequently belong to an ethnic minority .
29 Instead they refer to only a sub-section of these behaviours , a sub-section which is more likely to be committed by young , poorly-educated males who are often unemployed , live in working-class impoverished neighbourhoods , and frequently belong to an ethnic minority .
30 As with all Cirrhilabrus species , scottorum is principally a zooplankton feeder in the wild , and may be seen rising up in aggregations , composed mainly of females and juveniles , from the bottom to a metre or more when actively feeding , but in aquarium conditions it will take a variety of foods and readily adapt to a regular feeding programme .
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