Example sentences of "and [adv] [v-ing] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some economists calculate that only a small part ( perhaps a quarter ) of the appreciation of the exchange rate is attributable to oil but that the government deliberately pushed up the exchange rate ( which appreciated 40 per cent between 1979 and 1980 ) by raising domestic interest rates and thereby weakening industrial competitiveness .
2 More attention to the hardware and information presentation will yield improved operator support whereas more attention to operator training will minimise the difficulties of interpreting information presentations and thereby making full use of machines ( Singleton , 1967b ) .
3 In December 1914 he resigned and became works manager at Brown Bayley steelworks , advising them on the manufacture of stainless steel and eventually becoming technical director .
4 It held its first meeting on Dec. 23 , and unanimously chose Chief Ernest Adegunle Shonekan , a lawyer and prominent industrialist , as its chair and effectively acting Prime Minister .
5 Let's assume you 'll be just a general-purpose chippie , doing jobs like building stud partition walls , laying floorboards and perhaps making fitted furniture using a lot of man-made boards .
6 Try replacing the existing radiator with a larger one ( double panel rather than single or one of large area ) and perhaps adding double glazing to the windows .
7 The dangers for Indonesia are further reductions in the OPEC oil quota and swiftly rising domestic consumption — increasing at some 10% per year .
8 That he hated the cold and his chilblains and the earth privy and the spiders and not being allowed to eat biscuits and only having roast beef for dinner because she had come .
9 Standing in front of them was an extremely old man with a beard that trailed on the ground and long flowing white hair .
10 She also found that a lot of her time which could have been used to produce more goods was being taken up selling goods , collecting debts and generally doing administrative work .
11 9.86 million hectares of land in the UK ( 48% of its total land area and 51% of its agricultural land ) are designated under Article 3(4) of the Directive ( see Chapter 3 ) , i.e. ‘ less favoured areas in danger of depopulation , ’ but with the tiny-exception of the Isles of Scilly which are designated under Article 3(5) , i.e. ‘ other less favoured areas affected by specific handicaps. ’ 8.65 million hectares were designated in 1974 with adjustments in 1976 , and were based on the old ‘ hill areas ’ under the 1946 Hill Farming Act and already receiving special support measures from the British government .
12 With Convex already under its belt , Dolphin is now understood to be courting Data General Corp , and already selling SCI simulation systems and high level design language implementations to the likes of Apple Computers Inc and the Centre for Research into Nucleonics , Geneva , Switzerland .
13 All the knowledge bases in Hearsay-II , ideally working in parallel and reacting as soon as relevant data appeared , would bombard the blackboard with knowledge , adding and modifying hypotheses , and thus triggering other knowledge sources in turn .
14 He tried to get a post at the British Museum , and was most indignant when it went to George Children , a friend of Davy and thus possessing superior patronage .
15 Predictions about outcomes were compared with actual results with a view to learning from experience and thus improving future investment decisions .
16 The test machine contains a 10-kW turbine and a 4-metre rotor , which is turned by both incoming and outgoing tides ; it will be anchored to the sea bed and therefore needs none of the costly and environmentally damaging civil engineering works associated with other tidal power schemes such as barrages .
17 The progression of destructionn moves from affecting the capacity for a full range of emotional feelings and then into affecting intellectual processes and finally affecting physical health , although ther will of course have been many episodes of some damage to physical well-being throughout the progress of the disease .
18 Although such ‘ signals ’ may be born of snobbism and élitism of the least attractive kind and are often public confirmations of economic privilege , those teachers who have devoted their working lives to the state sector know that the only way of countering , undermining and finally defeating private education is by making the local authority schools places where all children realise their full potential .
19 As your child grows he or she will pass from the totally secure , almost self-contained , world of the Lower Primary Department where we lay the basic foundations of the entire curriculum , good work habits , and mutual respect , into a carefully planned and ever widening educational experience .
20 WHERE it matters — on the field — the north of England does rather well , successfully managing widely dispersed resources and usually playing winning rugby .
21 Among patients using blood testing for glycaemic control this may be a useful adjunct to self management , giving feedback , encouraging adherence to a low fat diet , and possibly allowing lipid lowering treatment to be avoided .
22 It is decorated with pierced holes — a feature common on Blackfoot Indian shirts and possibly invoking sacred protection against bullets — and with the uncommon technique of wrapping horsehair in porcupine quills .
23 One sat silently at home in old jeans and unevenly hanging long crêpey shirts , splashed with murky black and purple flowers .
24 An SBU with high capital intensity could well be at an early stage of its product life-cycle , when one would expect it to be building up its investment relative to sales and also experiencing low profitability as it fights to establish itself in the market .
25 To do so , many more processes have to be undertaken by food manufacturers , each stage adding value and also incurring extra risk of contamination .
26 The fair price of such a bond is given by the discounted present value of the cash flow stream , using the market-determined discount rate for a bond of this maturity and risk class ( and also using semi-annual discounting ) : , where P o = fair price of the bond , d = annual fixed coupon payment , B = par value of the bond , T= number of complete years to maturity , r = market-determined discount rate or required rate of return on a bond with this risk class and maturity ( as a proportion ) .
27 This included taking a sample from each section of files to identify the type and quantity of file contents and the level of time-expired material , and also analysing daily activity rates for file creation , up-dating , movements in and out , weeding/culling and file transfer or destruction .
28 Based on the novel by John Hersey and also featuring British actress Shirley Anne Field , the film was a mish-mash of production , but McQueen 's strong central performance and some exciting aerial bombing scenes held it together .
29 Soot-contaminated snow falling in mountainous regions may have darkened snowfields causing the spring snowmelt to be earlier and quicker than usual , leading to river flooding and ecologically damaging acidic meltwater pulses .
30 It is increasingly felt by members of the public that large-scale soil erosion , the destruction of wildlife habitat and the excessive use of chemicals and unnatural substances are unacceptable , and can not continue unabated without ruining the countryside for future generations and probably causing long term health hazards .
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