Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb past] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Commentary of this kind is usually very carefully and skilfully scripted to match the pictures it accompanies .
2 There was so much untidy milling about , however , that in the confines of the tiny space they found it hard to organize themselves and eventually seemed to abandon the attempt .
3 I kept them in the shed and eventually had to put the bikes outside under a tarpaulin when the collection got too large .
4 The extension of the franchise to all adults created a situation in which political parties had to compete for the mass vote and so had to organise the electorate to support their candidates at the polls .
5 The anniversaries , called ‘ birthdays ’ , of the martyrs were carefully remembered , and so came to create the earliest church calendars ( so that the historian can know on what day of what month a martyr died , but not necessarily in what year , that being of no liturgical significance ) .
6 At first the party leaders resisted such demands as being likely to destroy the party truce and so tried to avoid the public discussion of .
7 A red lens in ormolu casing was clamped over his left eye , and perhaps had replaced the original jelly organ .
8 He should have told Cottee to go and do his talking on the park and perhaps tried to change the team plan to assist his strike-force ( if that 's the right word ) .
9 I was gone for about three hours : scrambling through hedges ; rummaging in undergrowth ; wrestling with tangled nets ; and throwing into a box the indignant ferrets , who after all had done all the work and only wanted to wring the rabbits ' necks .
10 Maha tried to join them but was cast out and good-humouredly began to push the loaded craft into the water .
11 The Court of Appeal held that whether the officer had taken possession was a question for the jury , and that the answer depended on whether he had made his mind up to take possession so that they would not be removed , or whether he had an open mind and merely wanted to stop the driver getting away without being questioned .
12 He returned carrying some tepid water and cleaning material , and gently began wiping the sore cut .
13 When he did wake , Moran reached his hand across to the coarse shirt over the shoulder and gently began to knead the muscles .
14 The Colonel , trained in the proper management of war , diagnosed the General 's crude enthusiasm as excitement and gently tried to calm the old man by explaining that the sensible course was to wait until the artillery reached the town , and only then to mount an attack on the infantry who guarded the barricaded bridge .
15 Anne crouched , and gently tried to pull the pillow away .
16 Labour politicians , even those with a training in economics , were muddled about the issues , and generally seemed to favour the historic average cost principles , which also seemed to many at the time to be enshrined in the wording of the Act , which merely required the industry to break even ‘ taking one year with another ’ .
17 Groups of strikers assembled and disbanded , led their trooper escorts on pointless all-night drives in caravans , painted broom handles to resemble gun barrels and pointed them out of windows , and generally tried to confuse the authorities with multiple feints and parries .
18 He shook his head , but she found the delicious-looking cakes too irresistible , and just had to sample the gooiest-looking one of all .
19 BNFL press officer who was at Dover for the arrival of a NTL flask of spent fuel on its way to Sellafield , said : ‘ Greenpeace were at Dover for two days and finally had to admit the sand was harmless .
20 Bernice straightened from her crouch with the five bolts buzzing like bees in her hand , pulled the access plate open and furtively tried to check the space inside the dispenser .
21 Doddie Weir still has a lot to learn about No 8 play when it comes to back-row moves , witness the occasion against England when he picked up against the wheel and still tried to complete the move .
22 It meant also that the consideration which more and more came to dominate the Dual Monarchy 's foreign policy was the need to check Russian influence over the Slavs of the Balkans .
23 Even Xanthe herself looked shocked at what she 'd let out , and feebly tried to weaken the impact .
24 ‘ By then , all my romantic ideas about marriage being special and forever had bitten the dust . ’
25 Miss Fergusson got to her feet and briskly began to continue the ascent .
26 ‘ Oh , this morning I did the accounts , and later went to take the air . ’
27 I was called to the administration block of the hospital and later went to register the death , and to make an appointment with an undertaker — this was for ten o'clock the next morning .
28 The teacher scanned the information available and later asked to use the library for the class .
29 This deviation from Beveridge 's plan made the scheme expensive to general taxation , and probably tended to prevent the adoption of benefit levels sufficient to provide subsistence incomes to those with no other resources and to inhibit subsequent increases to keep up with the cost of living .
30 But Soviet leaders have consistently and unsuccessfully tried to convince the Non-Aligned majority of the difference in principle between the alliances in Europe , NATO and the Warsaw Treaty Organisation .
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