Example sentences of "and [adv] [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And so she behind all the way but caught up with her a few metres
2 And lastly we to individual responsibility .
3 erm We park appallingly carelessly , some of us do it intentionally very often , some of us do it innocently or probably ignorantly , and perhaps to be fined on the spot would be a way of saving an awful lot of paperwork , an awful lot of time , and perhaps reminding people that they should n't be doing these things although I 'm always slightly worried , this is in a sense another problem , I 'm slightly worried by , by the inequity that six pounds or whatever it is will mean a lot to one person and hardly anything at all to another , and you do see some cars mis-parking again and again , and I 'm not sure that erm the instant penalty would make much difference there .
4 There are three types of community charge , and nearly everyone aged 18 or over will have to pay at least one of them .
5 G agrees the water looks good and says it 's a Class Two river , ’ except when it rains , when it gets all the run-off and also lots of foul water from the foul sewer overflow .
6 Many of the drinkers questioned felt cheated that they were paying as much or more for nablab products while the brewers paid far less duty ( and practically nothing on alcohol-free products ) than on their normal brews .
7 Two rash tackles , one at the other end by Mike and now one at this end in the Shrewsbury with it was certainly Shrewsbury penalty goa erm penalty was won , Blackburn 's was as well .
8 In 1980 one in eight of all adult women provided regular help for another dependent adult , and now one in four women aged between 45 and 64 have a commitment to provide such care without financial reward .
9 Funny neighbours now — spill fruit skins , rubbish and muck and even lots of broken glass this weekend on stairs and no effort to pick up clean up …
10 The Stock Exchange is party to the central compensation fund set up under the Financial Services Act , in which losses due to fraud or the collapse of an institution of 100 per cent up to £30 000 and 90 per cent of losses up to £20 000 are recompensed , and then nothing after that .
11 Thinking of them as numbers on a tall , thin clockface may be useful , so first put a large leaf into the twelve o'clock position and then one at six o'clock .
12 Reaction diffusion could provide a series of chemical waves generating first a wave with a single peak , followed by one with two peaks , and then one with three peaks .
13 right and then you 've got an infinite backing where you got speakers there like that and then you got a board behind that and then one behind that and behind that
14 Er now you can make er you can make disposals in your lifetime obviously , you can make small gifts , you can make disposals up to three thousand pounds a year , which is your annual , your exemption if you like , and then anything over that is liable to the seven year rule , if you die within seven years of making the transfer , then there is a , there is a erm declining debt , er tax-wise .
15 Also now and then someone at one of the two tables might look at the other table with a sneer or an ugly remark .
16 Primaflora appeared wholly unruffled , but every now and then someone in royal livery would appear in the yard and go away again .
17 At most I get just enough to wet the bottom of the collection cup , and sometimes none for more than a week .
18 In any month in the 1840 's and '50's there were rarely more than live contracts settled up and the figure was usually two or three and sometimes none at all .
19 And almost nothing about Peruvian society as a whole .
20 And yet plenty of unpigeonhole-able types in here seem to hold that flawed artefact very dear indeed , relentlessly calling for minor track ‘ Penguins ’ throughout the set ( in vain ) , and pummelling the air with knotted fists for ‘ Partial ’ .
21 Things which , to my mind have been totally illogical — and yet nothing on this earth would have stopped me from doing them . ’
22 The Centre for Disease Control in Atlanta , Georgia , is probably pre-eminent in terms of pure research into the organisms responsible for the sexually transmitted diseases , and yet none of this concentrated effort has had any effect on the levels of gonorrhoea or syphilis in America .
23 You have attempted to both reply to a task mail message and forward it to another user .
24 The fact that Mangon fully deserved his title of Wizard of Lighting was of minor importance to the Girls who , due to his perfectionism , often only had a few hours ' sleep in their dressing-rooms , and occasionally none at all .
25 He managed three points in 1976 driving his own Copersucar Ford , 11 in 1977 , 17 in 1978 , 1 in 1979 , 3 in 1980 and absolutely nothing in 1981 , the year when he finally stopped racing his own cars and quit F1 .
26 All sound mystics insist that the experience of the divine has nothing whatever to do with emotion and certainly nothing at all to do with physical sensation .
27 This had , and George Eliot knew it , little or even nothing to do with Christ 's injunctions to his followers , and certainly nothing at all to do with the Incarnation which was now being celebrated as the congregation sang " Unto us a Boy is Born " as Daniel at the white-draped altar , with its lovingly embroidered white cloth , watched with Mr Ellenby over the bread and wine .
28 Erm and there were two very profound reasons for that , one was the decline in employment in southern agriculture , the increasing mechanization of agriculture displacing er millions of er agricultural workers er and the second and more important factor was that the southern states provide almost nothing in the way of social provision and certainly nothing for black people er whereas the northern states were much more generous .
29 In the UK alone , there are nearly 2,000 quoted companies to invest in and therefore plenty of other homes for institutional Investors cash .
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