Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] them [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It has been shown to thrive on a diet of soluble uranium ions converting them into solid waste and thereby making them easier to remove .
2 For many individuals the experience is repeated several times a year , thereby constituting a serious infringement of their personal liberty , disrupting the lives of their families , often preventing them from complying with requirements for obtaining welfare benefits and effectively making them unemployable .
3 The belt tying the skirt on drew the bodice edges in round the breasts ( if they were to be exposed ) and presumably lent them some support from the sides and from below .
4 Thus he actively sought to crush the Slavs and Saxons , and forcibly render them Christian , just as his grandfather Charles Martel ( who died in 741 ) had converted the Frisians and Thuringians .
5 " Codle them green , and boil them up with sugar , being preserved put them into the cream strain 'd or whole scrape sugar on them , and so serve them cold in boil 'd or raw cream .
6 This approach can also help those people who feel a sense of threat from other people 's opinions and so bulldoze them first so that others are prevented from expressing their views .
7 They have developed a sliding scale charge so that organisations can get together to take advantage of bulk ordering and so save them some of the administration expenses .
8 McCann refused to be nominated ; he took the quite accurate view that the meeting had been called in order to incorporate the militants , attach the lustre of their achievements to a new , more moderate group of leaders and thus deny them any significant influence .
9 I WRITE with reference to the two letters from concerned residents of Chelwood Avenue , Childwall , who complain about their street lights being too bright , too effective and thus keeping them awake at night .
10 Indeed , for the local authorities ( many of whom were angry that the Government were treating nationalisation merely as a book-keeping transaction within the public sector and thus paying them little compensation for the takeover ) , the maintenance of uneconomically low prices was one way of getting their own back for the local ratepayers ( who were also usually electricity consumers ) .
11 The result is to connect up a network of contracts by a uniform set of rules and thus give them multilateral force .
12 And just wish them good .
13 and a cup of coffee and a cigarette , and I always do that but this day I was so tired after the doing the garden , both gardens like and fucking weeding them all and doing everything else and brushing out the back and doing I said to him for fuck 's sake do them dishes for me for a change William would you I said , so I got er got myself in the bath said I 'm away to bingo , so William 's gone out what happened ? eight , I had eight he had one you may get yourself I said ah fuck no wonder I have no fucking luck , so on the settee and said I 'm not going anywhere , I sat for ten minutes then I said ah fuck you why should I sit here so I lifted the car keys and walked out again then , fucking zooming out of and there was John coming up like that
14 He conducted a visitation every five years , when he went there and interviewed each individual member of the community and finally gave them all a charge .
15 It 's just one , one of those many piec pieces of evidence you know so that the Freud you know like the great detective you know uses all these little insignificant facts and finally puts them all together and draws everybody together you know in the drawing room and says I will now reveal the murderer , you know Moses was not an Egyptian , sorry Moses was not a Jew he was an Egyptian .
16 Surely , then , it is perverse and inexplicable behaviour on the part of so many English speakers to take words ( like adult or person ) that are not inherently misleading , or are meant to improve linguistic precision , and deliberately make them misleading and imprecise .
17 It gave the clients confidence in my abilities , and also told them any hopes they may have had of getting away with a fifty dollar fee should be left with the receptionist .
18 Indeed , Ernest Bevin , speaking at a union dinner , maintained that , if there is a new conception of the objects of industry , then there can be created in this country … conditions which will minimize strikes and probably make them non-existent for 25 years . ’
19 Scoular took up bowls and probably scared them half to death after his wife , Joyce , became a Welsh international .
20 I am proud to be a member of a Government who have increased health spending in real terms since 1979 by nearly 40 per cent. , treated 900,000 more people in Scotland last year than in the year in which we came into office , increased the number of nurses by more than 9,000 and now pay them 41 per cent .
21 The high priest of Conceptual Art took a cross-section of works from the museum 's collection and chicly installed them next to a range of wall-texts .
22 He raised his hands above his head and then stretched them both out at the unfortunate First Spiritualist .
23 One used tansy leaves : ‘ You dried them and then rubbed them atween your hands .
24 Etienne Saqr , who used the name Abu Arz , the Father of the Cedars ’ — one of the more psychopathic of the minor Christian militia leaders — commanded a group which specialised in cruelty , whose men tied Palestinian prisoners to the backs of taxis and then dragged them 12 miles up the motorway to Jounieh .
25 Draw a rough sketch and then translate them all in a permanent fashion to the wall .
26 I thought I could give dad some of these and then eat them all myself
27 This was more power for the cause — these people use tea bags and drive on the wrong side of the road , they hang fish on clothes lines and then eat them dry .
28 So I sprinkled this stuff inside every pair of knickers in the drawer and then folded them all up again carefully . ’
29 If you really want to , you can push the crates around and then push them all back again , and nothing will have changed except the dust on the floor and your state of health .
30 And sewed on the sewing machine and then painted them all with raw linseed oil but raw linseed oil took a long while to dry but they soft .
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