Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Intelligent , beautiful , and widely read in four languages , she cultivated men of ‘ unquestionable genius ’ like Sir Thomas Lawrence and Henry Fuseli [ qq.v. ] , whom she compared with Burns : his ‘ Lament for Maria ’ ( 1809 ? ) was probably written in response to her death .
2 Vine Street itself appeared to be a short cul-de-sac that was hardly more than an alley , and mostly dominated along one side by the towering rear facade of some big hotel .
3 He led the Open at Muirfield by four shots and eventually came from two down with four holes to play to beat John Cook .
4 He was forced to resign , and eventually convicted of four theft and seven forgery charges .
5 If two sponges are growing close to one another , they may , as they grow , come into contact and eventually merge into one huge organism .
6 A particularly gruesome tale is appended to the embalming of Queen Katherine de Valois , wife of Henry V. Katherine died at Bermondsey Abbey ( by whose monks she was presumably embalmed ) on 3 January 1438 and eventually buried on 8 or 9 February 1438 in front of the high altar of the new Lady Chapel at Westminster Abbey — indeed hers was the first royal body to be buried there .
7 ( This circular was withdrawn in 1970 by Circular 10/70 , and effectively reinstated in 1974 by Circular 4/74 ( DES ) /Circular 112/74 ( Welsh Office ) .
8 Also the multi-talented winger/disco dancer Lee Sharpe ( Sharp with an ‘ E ’ — quite appropriate really ) who has now overcome the mystery illness , lately diagnosed as viral meningitis , and presumably contracted at one of the many ‘ raves ’ which young Lee ( with two ‘ E's ) likes to attend .
9 Unfortunately , for Third Lanark 's dwindling fans , he sobered up at half-time and duly let in five goals .
10 The people of Scotland considered these eight options and duly replied with ninety percent of the rep replies including Tory councillors , and Tor Tor and some Tory , Tory-run councils , totally rejecting any form of water privatization in Scotland .
11 He later opened a shop in Rawthenstall ( between Burnley and Manchester ) and slowly expanded to 12 shops — all called Ames Records — in the north west of England .
12 As a result of this incident , I am very cautious and rarely drive above 80 k.p.h. ( 50 m.p.h. ) with a loaded trailer .
13 A set of chambers in London may have as many as twenty pupils and only keep on two .
14 In fact , the average household size remained between four and five throughout this period and only fell to three during the twentieth century ( Laslett , 1972b ; Wall , 1972 ) .
15 Tonight 's opponent is the unrated South African Lindi Memani , unbeaten in his last twelve fights and only defeated in three out of twenty four .
16 This fell back to 51% at the beginning of the 1980s , and only recovered in 1989 .
17 The micellar structures are dynamic and constantly colliding with one another , exchanging contents .
18 At Goulbourn a large brick structure with stone quoins and cornices and a central tower and dome had been built in the 1870s , and structure with powerful round-headed arches and long arcading on two storeys was more reminiscent of Indian stations than of those of Europe or North America .
19 A biochemist colleague has kindly provided me with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide , and enough hydroquinone for 50 bombardier beetles .
20 He may already by then have become the abbot 's steward , a position he is known to have held in 1254 and apparently retained until 1259 .
21 Beyond the door lay the cargo compartment , bare , bleak , functional and obviously designed for one purpose only , the transport of missiles .
22 The present head office was built in 1806 but extended and much altered in 1870 .
23 In the social context , drugs such as caffeine , sugar and chocolate are well accepted and much enjoyed by millions worldwide .
24 The largest group of Soviet nationalities were the Slavs — Russians , Ukrainians and Belorussians — who shared a common linguistic and religious inheritance and together constituted about two-thirds of the total population .
25 Add the tomatoes , tomato purée and wine , season and gently cook for 5 minutes .
26 The direct muscles ( Fig. 57 ) are typically the epipleural and axillary muscles and generally consist of four pairs : ( a ) the 1st anterior extensor arising usually from the sternal region and attached to the basalar sclerite ( p. 54 ) ; ( b ) the and anterior extensor arising from the rim of the coxa , just in front of its pleural articulation , and similarly inserted into the basalar sclerite ; ( c ) the posterior extensor arising from the rim of the coxa , just behind its pleural articulation , and inserted into the subalar sclerite ; ( a ) the flexor arising from the pleural ridge and inserted into the 3rd axillary sclerite .
27 Mobile platforms : Designed for straight vertical access and generally operated by one man .
28 Without employing his own servants as agents and deputies Sadler obviously could not have managed his group of offices ; as it was he complained of seldom going to bed before midnight and generally waking by 4. a.m .
29 A native of India , till recently bred ferally in Sweden ; paler grey than other grey geese ( p. 46 ) and easily told by two black bars on white crown .
30 We have ambitions to become the world 's first Global gas company and already operate in 20 countries .
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