Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Pulsatilla seemed to cover the case as it now presented and successfully treated both the anxiety and the palpitations .
2 But I am not too keen on performances which concentrate entirely on rhetorical expression , and thereby lose both the singing quality , and the logic of the ‘ long line ’ .
3 In the long run , investment will also affect the supply side of the economy , raising its productive potential and thereby pushing outwards the production frontier .
4 A proposal that public money should be spent on a measure which is likely to aggravate this position ( the low birth rate ) by making contraception universally available on request and thereby to affect adversely the continuity of the state , is one which we feel we can not endorse .
5 It has more than fulfilled its founding fathers ' two objectives : to rebuild the economy of a shattered Europe , and to bury the hatchet between France and Germany and so bind together the nations of Europe that they would never go to war again .
6 These are filled with blood vessels and so help cool the animal , but they also collect and funnel sound into the earhole .
7 Each mobile electron in the system is represented by a point in k space such that the vector from the origin to the point is proportional to the electron 's momentum , and so represents both the magnitude and direction of the momentum .
8 It should be noted that this grouping of sixth-century metalwork includes nearly all of the known examples , and only raises again the question of how similar items have to be for us to be able to distinguish the skills of one workshop as opposed to the learned traditions of a single society .
9 William himself , by comparison , seems to represent a remarkable degree of geographical stability : he was born and died in Islington , seems to have travelled but little , and apparently lacked either the desire or the need to move house every few years as his father had done .
10 Paying independently for research would be far too expensive , and as Payne acknowledges candidly , ‘ If we 're paying commissions and thus get literally the first call on the telephone , we have an edge when it comes to news items .
11 So I 'll start with the first one and I 'll pass it round and just put either the relaxing on one hand and the reviving on the other and you 'll have one hand relaxed the other one doing this .
12 The purpose of the present chapter is to note some of the practical difficulties of managing book provision programmes , to try and suggest minimum system requirements for effective management and finally to outline briefly the important features of existing management systems .
13 Without the emergence of Hitler and his National Socialists all that was rotten in Germany , that had been positively fostered by Romanticism and encouraged by the humiliation that Germany had suffered under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles — racism , social Darwinism , anti-intellectualism , phoney mysticism — might have persisted indefinitely and gradually eaten away the fabric of the country and its culture , gone unchallenged by the forces of reason , lain for all time under layers of sophistry . …
14 It is , I think , the logical conclusion of the line in Enlightenment thought which has run from Rousseau through Nietzsche and Sartre — the strand of truly anarchic individualist thinking which avoids the vulgar Nozickian ‘ libertarian ’ path of concentrating on the freedom of certain selected institutions such as commercial companies , and genuinely exalts only the freedom of the individual .
15 But attribution could only be meaningful if trade union representatives on company boards everywhere and always accepted wholeheartedly the duties of ownership along with the rights , so changing the role of the unions fundamentally and abandoning any pretence to industrial democracy .
16 In the heat , a woman golfer could move from her normal 80 compression ball to a 90 , and an average male form his normal 90 to 100 , and still have much the same feel as usual , but with added distance .
17 So long as the world was politically , and militarily , if not economically , permeated with British influence , school geography could safely and fruitfully explore even the most unlikely regions .
18 Yes , and also assume thereby the difference between a cow herder , and a student of his or whatever
19 Who else but Runcorn could give an impromptu hour-long lecture on any geophysical topic and probably have just the right slides in his pocket to support it ?
20 I bought the sandwich and carefully peeled away the Cellophane , but just as I lifted it to my mouth the train lurched violently over a siding , making the bottles clatter in the drinks trolley and causing all the meatballs to jump off the bun , like sailors abandoning a burning ship .
21 He gave the city not eighty or so acres of ground , but more like two hundred and twenty , he burned to have the funds to take up lovingly every acre of those two hundred and twenty , and tenderly brush away the dust of centuries from every artifact he expected to recover ; and his expectations were high .
22 Blushing , I grabbed the proffered rod , carefully avoiding Ann 's look of resignation , and instantly hooked both the dap and Ann 's cast at the same time .
23 This brings the aircraft back into balance and instantly increases both the capacity and length of the cargo floor , or cabin if seats are to be installed .
24 Ace grimaced , reached down and hesitantly pulled aside the tattered sheet of black silk .
25 By highlighting the threat to the constitution from Labour and Liberal plans for a Scottish Parliament and the proportional representation system by which its members would be elected , he consistently and robustly drove home the message that the Tories alone stood as the party of Union , of collective strength in negotations abroad and strong government at home .
26 Its sites were on variable , disturbed and fertilised soils and mainly included only the less vulnerable trees .
27 And now facing probably the biggest crisis in its history , Bull last week reported that turnover for the first quarter of the year crashed by 10.6% , to the equivalent of $943m .
28 A less elaborate version is the book-label or book-ticket , which is smaller and often carries only the owner 's name .
29 If the input segments were correctly and uniquely specified then the tree structure could be used to process left to right through the input , gradual eliminating whole sub-trees through the mismatch of a branch of the tree with the acoustic input , thus exploiting the syntagmatic relations of the language system .
30 A weak sun was about to rise , turning the darkness to a dusty grey : their horses plodded along the frozen track , both riders taking special care against the potholes , some as deep as a man , which could bring down and even kill both the unwary rider and his horse .
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