Example sentences of "and [pers pn] give him [art] " in BNC.

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1 I was walking along with my girl and I see my old man and I was scared , you know , smoking , but at the same time I did n't want to throw it away because my girl was there , you know , and she 'd see it , and I just kept on walking and my old man stopped and said to me , ‘ Give me a light ’ , and I give him a light , and he said , ‘ I 'm away to the shops ’ , and I was , you know , thinking , I can get away with this .
2 And I give him the whole book what lists names and numbers and what not .
3 He said ‘ Okay , I want you to show me everything , ’ and I said ‘ Well , there are six strings , they 're tuned like this and written down an octave , ’ ( For those that do n't know , when guitar music is transposed onto a stave , it 's dropped a whole octave to keep it on the treble clef — Ed ) and he was taking notes and I gave him a beginning guitar book so that he could see how it was all written out !
4 So I said OK , and I gave him a real fancy one — it was like topiary , and I left him with a rude word on the back of his head .
5 After that I got us on to less dangerous ground , and I gave him a few tit-bits of intelligence , which was probably what he 'd been after .
6 I therefore completed to his satisfaction all the forms he gave me , and I gave him a detailed written description of our proposal , and a revised working drawing showing greater detail , with both of which he seemed satisfied .
7 I worked in up there about nineteen fifty or fifty one when I had a dispute with the manager and I gave him a week 's notice .
8 Today Edgar Linton has asked me to marry him , and I gave him an answer .
9 The Sheriff asked me the same question and I gave him the same answer as I have you . ’
10 He gives you an ice cream and you give him a kiss " , that sort of thing .
11 Right so , someone on a bike , you 've got a mate on a pushbike and you 're starting a race and you give him a shove .
12 He got out of the planes coming , we , we was coming over from de Laborgie and you give him the needle and I had to lead him off the lead him off the plane , and going down over the chimneys in Chantilly to landu Laborgie he goes , woo ooh ooh , getting ready you know .
13 And she gave him a bleak little smile and put a plate of hot rolls on the table .
14 ‘ I hate to see you going home empty handed , ’ said Madame , and she gave him a package tied like a cake in neatly folded greaseproof paper .
15 And she gave him a smile that resembled gratitude .
16 ‘ That 's right , ’ and she gave him a warm smile .
17 The woman 's face brightened up considerably and she gave him a sweet smile .
18 And this wifey come out and she gave him a nasty talking to , chapping chapping on her door with a stick .
19 ‘ Is that your last word on the subject ? ’ he asked coolly , and she gave him a wintry smile .
20 His self-confidence almost swept her off her guard , but the narrowed black eyes were a warning , and she gave him a small , would-be pitying smile .
21 That gained her immediate attention and she gave him a shocked look .
22 He chuckled and she gave him a light punch on the shoulder .
23 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ he said , and she gave him a watery smile .
24 Got on one tube and that broke down from the end of she 's at Liverpool Street then she had to go different end to Oxford Street , but she ended up in Charing Cross then she got on another tube line at Charing Cross and then that broke down , so she said it took hours , then she gave a taxi , had to get a taxi back to Oxford Street and , and from Oxford Street back to Waterloo and it 's four pound and he gave her a change for a tenner instead , and she gave him a twenty pound note but , you know she 's absolutely haggard , so I said it 's just as well she can have a cup of tea before she goes , I just told her briefly about that so , erm , Carla 's a bit late ai n't she ?
25 when she , this man was n't very well on , she saw him up at her window and she saw he was n't very well on the other side of the road and she sent down to ask him to come in and she gave him a cup of tea and everything and she was talking
26 a Chinese girl she 's living in it , in a kind of a real dive of loft thing to do her art and she gives him the odd painting instead of paying rent .
27 They dressed and lit him against his character — softening where they ought to have emphasised the toughness — and they gave him a part with no verbal bite and no guts but even so it was not a bad first break for the boy from the snooker halls of Port Talbot .
28 ‘ Did she come through here ? ’ he demanded of the astonished-looking Chinese family at one of the restaurant 's six plain tables , and they gave him a look of complete incomprehension .
29 And they gave him the rowdiest send-off of the campaign .
30 ‘ You walk alongside of me , ’ and he gave him a gentle push into the field , and swung the gate behind him .
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