Example sentences of "and [pers pn] said [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was thinking when Daniel was down here that erm Paul you know and all his girlfriends , various girlfriends , for a long time now and I said something to Daniel well you know are you sort of courting yet ?
2 I might have said all of this , and I said none of it .
3 And you said something about assassins ! ’
4 and and she said something about through her interest in North American Indians she 'd written this novel .
5 and she said something about , oh we 've been to that new pub , she said , mind , she said , we had to come home at half past nine , she said , he 'd had enough , she said , he were ready for bed , God , she said he 's turning into a right old man , and you know what I mean , she did n't , she would n't ,
6 He went up , and it 's first time he 'd seen her for a while and she said something about , oh he was supposed to have something but he got to hear this well it 's got nothing to do with all the others .
7 And erm she was like with him and she said and she said something like , Oh I 'm going .
8 And I said I want a job and , and she said something like oh well it does n't include you so ha ha ha ha and thought it was really funny .
9 Basically erm well no she came in and she said something like oh he had his hand on Carrie 's knee .
10 And they said nothing at all ? ’
11 And they said something about this woman a neighbour said oh where the hell 's Jimmy or something today ?
12 No he , it was a bit peculiar , I could n't quite make nothing and they said something about they kept him away from other children or something .
13 He had a thick stick of some kind — quite short-in his hand , and he said something about this being a holdup , or a stick-up or some term I really did n't understand .
14 And he said something about he 'd once they 'd once had to work all one day and all one night a near the Regent Centre because er , something had gone wrong with the gas pipes because erm of flooding .
15 I pretended to ignore this and he said something in German after me which I took to mean : ‘ You must be a very dull fellow if you do n't think that sort of thing funny . ’
16 And he said something like twelve and I said , what do you mean , twelve ?
17 And he never said anything and he said something like , I 'm not saying anything .
18 There was a survey once and it said everybody in the country has seen Marathon Man !
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