Example sentences of "and [noun pl] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Arab League was founded in March 1945 with the aim of strengthening the close ties between sovereign Arab states in order to co-ordinate their policies and activities for the common good of the Arab world .
2 We provide meals and activities for the over-65s .
3 Seek out the company of cheery chums and forget your worries and woes for a wee while .
4 May the Town Crier remain in the very capable hands of the college students and lecturers for a long time to come .
5 And Her Majesty was in the parade ring to assess the runners and riders for the big race , the Queen Mother Champion Steeplechase .
6 In return , the Edinburgh branch of the STA was to maintain peace on all questions of wages and hours for the next three years .
7 We 're gon na , we 're gon na stay on this issue of ownership and surpluses for a little time , cos it 's actually so important , but it 's not unreasonable for your pensioners to think that here was this pot of money to which one could dip into , but the only thing is the pot of money disappeared did n't it ?
8 About 600 are employed by Corporate Jets at Broughton and a further 300 are employed on the Broughton site by Airbus , making wings and fuselages for the 125 on contract .
9 About 600 people are employed by Corporate Jets at Broughton and a further 300 by Airbus , making wings and fuselages for the 125 on contract .
10 In addition it was permitted to enslave prisoners of war in order to provide ancillary troops and labourers for the Turkish smallholder/soldiers .
11 A great deal of traffic was involved in moving ammunition and bombs for the many airfields in the vicinity .
12 Geldof gives up struggling to be a singer of quality and pitches for the spoken individuality of a Dylan .
13 In 1736 he received two commissions from Graham : the construction of a nine-feet zenith sector ( the arc of which Graham divided himself ) for the French Académie des Sciences expedition to Lapland under Pierre de Maupertuis to measure the length of a degree of the meridian ; and preparing brass rods and scales for the Royal Society and the Académie for new standards to show the relation between the English yard and the French half-toise .
14 Recent topics have included updates on how European countries are handling the environmental labelling issue and proposals for a comprehensive EC labelling system .
15 Payments to upland livestock farmers through hill livestock compensatory amounts and proposals for an improved farm woodland scheme are two examples of the Government 's common-sense approach .
16 Despite inclusion in the Christie 's preview and plans for a pre-sale tour before the sale , the picture was suddenly withdrawn for undisclosed reasons before being catalogued .
17 In the turmoil of the two years after the Japanese surrender , catastrophic inflation at triple digit rates coupled with an explosion of labour and political activity culminated in mass protest and plans for a general strike on 1 February 1947 .
18 In addition to the Gulf crisis , they addressed questions concerning the modalities of Soviet troop withdrawals from East Germany , and plans for a German-Soviet treaty .
19 SIR JOHN HALL emerged from the latest bout of boardroom battling at Newcastle United yesterday with a controlling stake in the club and plans for a complete takeover .
20 The Arab Maghreb Union ( AMU ) summit , held in Casablanca , Morocco , on Sept. 15-16 , managed to avoid discord on the subjects of Western Sahara and plans for a Middle East peace conference .
21 I made my way home each night with at least some notion of hope and plans for a new assault on Wilde .
22 Mitterrand approves his Bibliothèque and plans for a national art library
23 BRITAIN 'S biggest sock maker and second largest bra maker , Sherwood , will this week announce pre-tax profit of £14 million plus , a 4-for-1 scrip issue and plans for a full market listing .
24 Both the bid for Channel Five and plans for the new Teleport to be operated at South Gyle , carrying signals for both Television and Telecommunications via satellite , cable and fibre optic lines , are well advanced and require the continued integration of technologies to carry on the task of promoting Edinburgh as a centre of excellence in the new media .
25 There will also be medals and trophies for the winning teams and finalists .
26 This accommodating and recommended summit is Bruach na Frithe , reached from Sligachan by a path leaving the pedestrian track over the Bealach a' Mhaim ; it is safe , without hazards , and calls for no more effort than the ascent of Scafell Pike in the English Lake District .
27 The subcontract is part of a prime contract awarded to Norton Diamond Film Inc , and calls for a two-year development programme , with an optional third year .
28 The subcontract is part of a prime contract awarded to Norton Diamond Film Inc , and calls for a two-year development programme , with an optional third year .
29 This is despite their repeated claims that the act , which tightens up rules on the safety inspection of large dams and calls for a national register of dams , was necessary .
30 [ That this House condemns British Coal for its closure of the Coventry Colliery at Keresely with the loss of 1,300 jobs , completed in a mere 13 days from the announcement of the decision to the working of the last shift ; believes that the pit is not abandoned but mothballed with 40 million tonnes of good quality reserves of medium sulphur content which will be kept on a care and maintenance basis until a link-up is organised by a privatised Daw Mill Colliery should the Government be re-elected ; condemns British Coal 's refusal to attend two meetings of local authority and parish councillors , local honourable Members of this House and church representatives and notes the absence at the meetings of 24th October and 11th November of the local Tory honourable Members ; and calls for a public inquiry into the methods of the closure and the false economics which talk of losses ' yet fail to take into account the future cost to public funds of lost production and taxes paid , and of dole and unemployment payments to be made . ]
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