Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [vb past] i [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Yeah , ’ replied the motor man irritably , ‘ you can say ‘ I came amongst you and you took me in ’ . ’
2 I said so , and you fobbed me off with the excuse that you 'd been talking about Lilian 's twin .
3 ‘ Yeah ; she came to Uncle Hamish 's a couple of times , and she drove me back to Glasgow once . ’
4 I did n't know what to say , so I just held out my hand and she heaved me up .
5 And she sent me down to the Headmistress and she says , ‘ You 've been drinking , have n't you ?
6 And she tied me up , so she could come in my place ! ’
7 And she phoned me up and says what are you doing ?
8 I was still bumming round trying to get work and she bailed me out .
9 Eventually I stopped a very helpful young lady member of the staff , told her of my predicament and she guided me back to my table .
10 And they took me on in nineteen thirty six to help them you see .
11 I tended the wounds of one of their men and they took me back with them into the great Forest of Ettrick . ’
12 The Men came for me where I huddled in the marram grass and they took me back to the low cage .
13 I once worked in the shopfloor in a factory , putting cream on to cream cakes , when I finished college , and they took me out and put me in the lab even though I did n't have any science degree , and I was in the labs for three months .
14 He carried me here , he knows the fam'ly , and they took me in .
15 Once I got arrested one morning for soliciting , but they let me out of the police station ; I got arrested the same afternoon , they let me out again ; I got arrested in the evening and they kept me in and took me to court the next day .
16 What it turned out to be was a lump of clay that I 'd moulded into what looked like a piece of black and wrapped up in silver paper just fooling about and they really freaked out and they kicked me out and had the police involved and everything .
17 ‘ I was two months pregnant and my parents said I 'd brought shame on their house and they kicked me out . ’
18 Oh I was playing up and they chucked me out the class or something and I had to stay in at dinner time .
19 Y'know , with only these two lads coming round the house and then both of them got bust in one of the lads ’ house and they blew me up as the one who was supplying them .
20 And they brought me up .
21 Say I was involved with a gallery and they called me up tomorrow , and said , ‘ Alison I want you to do this painting ’ , I could just comply .
22 It 's probably cos I walked in and they called me over , I mean I
23 And they picked me up in turn and gave me a kiss .
24 they saw our house Friday , and they rang me up , and I said look , you know , I 've got , I 've got my exams today and I really do n't want to come up unless you see something , if you do , I will come up because they reckon it 's a joint effort , if we 're gon na live together , we 've all got to see it and make a contribution to looking at the house .
25 and they fetched me down at the hospital
26 Over a ton , and they caught me out ,
27 I stumbled into the bedroom and he followed me in .
28 I played along with him and he followed me in .
29 Er however , I got there at quarter past ten and he followed me in .
30 and he beckoned me in ,
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