Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [verb] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 And I remember an earlier epoch when the geologists were told by the physicists , including the great Lord Kelvin himself , that they were foolish to postulate so many millions of years for earth history , when it could easily be calculated from classic physics that this was quite impossible .
2 and I got a greater kinship because they 're a small group .
3 In this situation you have to forget the textbook method of standing still and pivoting on one foot while the horse trots a beautiful circle around you : Skipper walked and later trotted a big circle and I walked a smaller one .
4 I am glad the Government have set their face against that , and I welcome the further commitment to NATO in the Gracious Speech .
5 I have always thought that league results are what matter most to Motherwell and I expect a harder game than were given that day . ’
6 The aforementioned book was written before the system closed for extensive modernisation and I have no further information ( in spite of research ) that any more unexplained events have occurred .
7 It seems to be made of exactly the same grade of rosewood as the fingerboard and I think a tighter , less coarse grain would have been more attractive .
8 The bird has a piercing yellow eye and I think an older generation of wild-fowlers still refers to it as the golden-eye although that name , strictly speaking , belongs to an entirely different species .
9 ‘ Sorry to get you here so early , ’ he said , ‘ but Angela 's death means we have to reorganize the entire workload , and I wanted a longer meeting today .
10 Keep your exercises plain and simple , and you have a better chance of enjoying them , rather than looking on them as a burden .
11 He exhorted his readers never to omit the prayers for the Sovereign in the Communion Service , because ‘ the county in which they lived was the seat of the late rebellion ’ and ‘ the tares of sedition have been industriously sown among you and you have the greater reason to pray that you may be firm in your allegiance .
12 There is a higher risk that your baby will be underweight at birth and you run a greater risk of complications when your baby is born .
13 There is a higher risk that your baby will be underweight at birth and you run a greater risk of complications when your baby is born .
14 If you can clearly state what your objective is what you 're trying to persuade the audience to then everything you say supports that and you stand a better chance of being persuasive .
15 And she got a younger sister .
16 Her spirit is infinitely stronger than Charles 's and she has a greater sense of her own destiny than he has .
17 And she has a drier so it 's fine .
18 She said Judge Allen should have made an example of Clarke and she criticised an earlier sentence he received for a 1983 drink driving offence — a £150 fine and 18-month ban .
19 That means our customers are in a better position to serve their own customers and we have a greater opportunity to increase our share of their business .
20 ‘ This is an internal matter and we have no further comment . ’
21 Almost 200 places , in addition to those in shelters which I have mentioned , have opened this month , and we expect a further 120 places in winter shelters to open very shortly .
22 In Northumberland , half the farmers are tenant farmers and we need a greater supply of land for rent to ensure the continued prosperity of the tenanted sector , with new entrants being able to come into agriculture .
23 And we need a greater trust in God .
24 He must be getting on for seventy , and we need a younger head groom . ’
25 ‘ I have promised to take big fights all over the country and they come no bigger than a bout with a world title at stake , ’ Hearn said .
26 The reason is that hardened Staffordshire smokers ( and they come no harder ) have taken to the Nicotine patch and are driving their colleagues mad with frozen smiles and cries of : ‘ I 'm all right — I 've gone 73-and-a-quarter hours without one ’ .
27 The cost of the service was nearer £85 than £75 and they spent a further £50 on food and drink .
28 The apartment was ‘ burned ’ as far as the Company was concerned and they had no further use for it .
29 There were more Crips and they had a larger share of the market in illegal drugs .
30 These are similar to multiples except that the qualifying number of stores is five and they sell a wider range of merchandise .
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