Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [vb -s] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But when organizations grow to a level where it is impossible for all the members to know each other , where the division of work between individuals and groups becomes more strict , where communications are restricted by physical and administrative distances and boundaries — in such a situation the need for an idea-handling system arises even in an organization where the cultural and climate conditions support creativity and innovation .
2 For spot and futures returns over five-minute periods , he found evidence that futures returns led spot returns by up to fifteen minutes .
3 It is often said that children have their lives before them and to die before they have had a chance to develop their personalities and lives seems particularly cruel .
4 Forming the impedances Z 1 and Z 2 of the inverting or noninverting configuration from more complicated combinations of reactances and resistances yields more intricate filtering .
5 Keeping open house for friends and families provides more fun and stimulation for residents .
6 In these circumstances , the familiar Renaissance claim that poetry teaches and delights takes on new implications , pleasure among readers is not only how their attention and co-option to the didactic intention is achieved .
7 If one believes the prediction of the inflationary cosmology , that the total density of the Universe must be very close to the critical value above which it recollapses , then there must also be unclustered dark matter as even the dark matter in galaxies and clusters has too small a density to account for this .
8 He is now wholly caught up in his own sufferings , in a new dichotomy , an agonizing split within himself : Although he rejects conscience as ‘ but a word that cowards use , /Devised at first to keep the strong in awe ’ ( 309f. ) , the duality between truth and lies proves too great for Richard to sustain .
9 The importance of this is that word-of-mouth information from shop assistants , salesmen and agents seems more influential for consumers than what is written into credit notices and contracts — but of course much less easy to regulate .
10 Share ownership among young people , women , manual workers , people in the North , Wales and Scotland , and non-homeowners remains relatively low .
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