Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [be] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The sun was falling towards the horizon and birds were hurrying to their evening roosts .
2 LOCAL owners and riders are meeting in Loftus Town Hall at 7pm on Wednesday to discuss the problems of horse-riding in the area .
3 Amnesty had recorded 45 death-squad murders in the first eight months of 1990 , compared with 40 for the whole of 1989 , and said that killings , torture and disappearances were continuing despite the human rights agreement signed by the government and the FMLN on July 26 [ see p. 37707 ] .
4 The pollution inspectorate , which is expected to oversee the process , is currently understaffed and personnel are suffering from low morale .
5 The acquisition would not have been possible without the help of the National Heritage Museum Fund and discussions are continuing with the Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland regarding a grant towards endowment costs .
6 The largest rookery in Oxfordshire dominates a high security storage area , and owls are moving into nesting boxes around the sight .
7 The fact that heads and teachers of very differing professional styles and values were working in Leeds throughout this period demonstrates , of course , that other factors were at work and that the wilder accusations of patronage which came our way needed to be treated with considerable caution .
8 Curators and experts are counting on the exhibition devoted to the restoration in the Salle des Fetes at the Louvre until 29 March 1993 and their highly detailed catalogue describing the technical aspects of the restoration process ( Les Noces de Cana de Veronese — Une oeuvre et sa restauration , Reunion des Musées Nationaux , 1992 , FFr350 ) to refute the historical and artistic arguments .
9 Students and researchers are mixing in a totally new way and ‘ the intellectual spin-off is already beginning to show ’ .
10 Brakeloads and omnibuses were arriving on Victoria Parade full of fresh supplies , and swarming down the High Street towards their mecca was the first cheap , fast trainload of ‘ Arrys and ‘ Arriets in search of entertainment .
11 Rostov realised that signs and shrugs were going to be inadequate .
12 ‘ All the time your bosses and peers are listening to consultants , they are not listening to you .
13 Your breast and thighs were blazing like the gorse .
14 GRP tanks and vessels are gaining in popularity , particularly in the chemical , food and drink industries .
15 The yard had a workforce of 7,000 , the market was crumbling , and losses were running at £43m a year .
16 At present the latest permissible time for legal abortion is 28 weeks , but by 20 weeks , the foetus is well formed , and currently doctors and gynaecologists are moving towards the idea of cutting the legal limit for termination from 28 to 24 weeks .
17 I think you 've also got ta look at it from the kid 's point of view and perhaps I 'm wrong here but , you know when you think , I mean , the these are going to be done very , you know er i i we got a sort of time limit , and kids are going to be told during perhaps a two week period
18 She wondered what her father and brothers were doing at that moment , and pictured Niall and Roger riding in through the castle gate with more stories of escapades , cattle raids , skirmishes , pranks and hunting expeditions ; and so vividly could she imagine them that it seemed that she actually heard their voices , saw their red-cheeked smiles , and smelt the leather of their boots and the steam from their bodies when they came into the big kitchen at the end of a day .
19 Even the farmers and growers were complaining about the awful conditions .
20 They were about 10 yards from the western side of the reef , where it fell away sharply and waves were pounding on its shore .
21 Want to know what all the umpires and referees are receiving as gifts from the USTA at this year 's US Open ?
22 Her palms and knees were bleeding from thorns in the sand .
23 Glue-sniffers are going in there and lads are climbing on the roof .
24 My tapestries and books were turning into pitch-thick smoke , and the heat , from which I had hitherto been protected , it seems , by the initial surge of adrenalin through my body , now made it plain that this was the last window of opportunity for effecting a dignified , if empty-handed , exit .
25 All the lead from the roof had been stolen by official vandals , and bushes were growing through the floor of the entrance hall .
26 Many of them received just over Christmas and parents and schools are looking to us to give them help er in providing for what is a very rapidly moving situation .
27 It is not at all clear what extra resources and provision are currently being planned or provided for this larger group , nor whether the size of that group is broadly agreed , nor whether local authorities and schools are identifying in any way the children involved .
28 You 've asked us a lot about what Governors can do and what Councillors can do , it 's teachers that make a school and schools are going to be excellent if the teachers and heads of faculty in those schools are excellent , and we 've got lots of those in Banbury .
29 Lucifer 's atmospheric corona was blotting out the stars again , and voices were babbling in his ears .
30 The laughter and voices were coming from the closed rooms at the end of the corridor that Ruth had christened the west wing .
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