Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [verb] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 However , as shopping still had to be done , schools reached and roads crossed whatever the road width or traffic volume , accident levels continued to rise and living environments to deteriorate .
2 Not all Heroes are nobles by any means — some are ordinary folk whose outstanding abilities and deeds makes them the equal of any other hero on the battlefield .
3 Not all Heroes are nobles by any means , some are ordinary folk whose outstanding abilities and deeds makes them the equal of any other Hero on the battlefield .
4 We might then be able to work back from lifestyle and abilities to predict what the brain of a particular species should be like ( Legg 1983 ) .
5 He added that unless Environment Secretary Chritopher Patten gives the NCC the requisite powers and resources to do what the law requires , the Broads will be doomed .
6 ‘ I enjoy using the Schut paper because the variety of weights and textures gives me the perfect surface for my work , from very detailed illustrations to the more spontaneous watercolours . ’
7 In several towns rioting broke out , rioting for peace , and Nazis found themselves the victims of the kind of abuse and maltreatment they normally handed out to others .
8 With sponsors and entrepreneurs to create what the international public wants we can create the jobs the people of Britain so sorely need , and a world wide reputation for excellence which can have very wide political benefits .
9 Fishing the smaller rivers and streams gives you the chance to actually watch the fish .
10 One farmer quoted by Curtin and Shields indicates what the company got away with : ‘ They were telling us what to do .
11 The merchants had a problem , claims Marglin , because the spinners and weavers had what the economists term a ‘ leisure preference ’ .
12 IF EVEREST were a person — and Tibetans call it the Goddess Mother of the World — it might feel a bit put upon .
13 In the conventional male mode , Kiefer conjured an opposing ‘ other ’ in order to define his ‘ self ’ , and women offered him the most adaptable image repertory for his needs ) .
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