Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun pl] [vb past] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 How are cross-curriculum themes such as equal opportunities and multicultural issues built in ?
2 The Home Support Project was influenced by many research findings and innovative schemes carried out elsewhere .
3 First of all , ideas , rituals , practices , and reforming monks travelled out from major centres like Cluny and Gorze , Trier and Glastonbury .
4 But the colonies were run on a shoe-string and generated explosive tensions ; both officers and men loathed the system , and the attempt to make it pay by imposing the most detailed and humiliating regulations sparked off repeated risings .
5 ( e ) Social and economic forces brought about the possibility and need for change — 1870 , Boom period , education could be afforded , educated workforce , international econ. rivalry , improve morality , behaviour , social order .
6 Where the main dale leaves the National Park and opens out into the flatter farmland of the old North Riding is Wensley itself , now a tiny village compared to its bigger neighbour of Leyburn , a busy typical northern Dales town with its wide main street and broad pavements laid out for market stalls .
7 The SSL holds a core collection of material covering scientific and technical aspects backed up by the National Library 's other relevant collections such as official publications , legislation , and popular science items .
8 Liberal Democrat and Labour councillors voted out the call by Cllr Jennings .
9 Insurance , banking , finance and allied services showed up well , also , on a broader basis .
10 The consolidated accounts incorporate the financial statements of A. Layout Plc and all of its subsidiary and associated undertakings made up to 31st March 1991 .
11 Mr Wilson added : ‘ When many of the developments were being built tenants associations and public representatives pointed out that publicly-owned areas were prone to vandalism but it was never envisaged they would be subject to such official neglect .
12 It has sixteen acres of pasture and an acre of most attractive and interesting gardens laid out on three levels — the top layer has very fine views across a valley over miles of rolling farmland , and amongst its beautiful trees it boasts a ‘ Parrotia Persica Pendula ’ , twenty feet high and ninety feet round .
13 The earliest textile mills were similar to the traditional water-powered flour mills because they consisted of load-bearing masonry external walls and wooden floors held up by timber posts or cast-iron columns and often occupied equally remote rural locations in order to exploit fully the power provided by the rushing streams of narrow Pennine valleys .
14 Railways , Spearman went on , had the power to break local strikes , as they had done in a recent coal strike in the United States , and the operating officers and freight-yard superintendents took on a military-style power .
15 Banks of guards , telephones TV monitors and electronic friskers kept out unwelcome visitors and made the grounds secure for the Shah , and his wife , their children , their dogs and their courtiers .
16 I mean , it 's hard to think of an equivalent , but say you were an inhabitant of Hastings in the year 2066 and you went down to the beach one day and these longships were coming towards you and lots of people in chainmail and pointy helmets got out and said they 'd come for the Battle of Hastings and would you rustle up King Harold so they could shoot him in the eye and here was a huge wallet full of money for you to play your part .
17 The empty houses would be demolished and empty areas fenced off ; they would either be landscaped , or allowed to return to ‘ nature ’ .
18 Pages can be typeset onscreen and different versions tried out without the need for referral back to typesetters .
19 Louis was quite sobered by that , as all his kerb drill and road-sense instructions came back to him in his father 's stern voice .
20 Karl looked across the street to where , among the cargo boats , the French and British Embassies hung out their flags , then looked again at the battleship .
21 At one meeting in 1967 , for example , the Committee for Arts and Social Studies turned down degrees in applied social science at Hatfield , town and country planning at Lancaster , international marketing at Woolwich , applied social studies at Constantine , European studies and textiles and marketing at Huddersfield , and applied languages at Sunderland .
22 Present them with a vision of a world in which meals were eaten at a table instead of on the knees before the flickering screen ; in which conversation was commonplace ; political and social ideas worked out by individuals , not spoon-fed into the mind by paid commentators ; a TV-less world in which we danced and sang and played charades to entertain ourselves or even popped round to the neighbours ; in which our children were not fed visions of death and dead bodies on the daily news , their infant imaginations no longer turned feverish and fearful by the sobs and sorrows of the bereaved ; nor subject to the cruel , disagreeable and frequently morbid fictional fantasies of others — would we not really vote for this ?
23 The Club 's day-to-day affairs and social events carried on side by side .
24 We witnessed recently a singular event in Zaire when Belgian and French troops went in to protect their citizens .
25 A plethora of pressure groups and popular movements grew up to give vent to such feelings , including the British Empire Union and the National Citizens Union .
26 A team of Argentinian and Guatemalan pathologists dug up on Aug. 8 the bodies of 11 campesinos ( peasants ) who had been allegedly murdered by the military during the previous 10 years and buried in a mass grave near the village of Chontala , west of Guatemala City .
27 The long ones can be shortened to bring them into line , and broken ends tidied up by clean cutting .
28 Miners , dockers , industrial workers , teachers and civil servants struck in at least 30 towns , demanding pay rises of between 100 and 200 per cent .
29 And in London , where manufacturing industry and trade union strength have all but disappeared , the radicalism of the ‘ new urban left ’ was based on a coalition between white-collar unions and civil organizations built up outside work .
30 And here troops would arrive to quell local disturbances and uprisings , while local organizers of the Anti-Corn Law League and early unions went off to national gatherings .
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