Example sentences of "and [art] [det] [noun pl] that " in BNC.

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1 Changes to the data may only involve changing the relevant parts of the database , and the many programs that may use the data will not need to be changed .
2 It also epitomises the complexity of business decisions that top managers have to take and the many issues that have to be weighed in the balance before reaching a conclusion .
3 In his reference to the poll tax , the hon. Member for Teignbridge referred to the many things that had to be built on to it and the many anomalies that had to be addressed .
4 Many artists are now drawn to it , and find that it has other attractions than the records of the burial of kings : they love to paint the children who come to meet the tourist with wave-worn pebbles from the sacred isle , and also the scenery of Mull , and the many lochs that indent that isle of bold headlands and rugged mountains masses , as they are seen from Iona .
5 The success of the student management system , and the many subsystems that now pervade the management and administration of the Polytechnic , is built on these close links .
6 There was little furniture , for most of that was stored in Switzerland , and the few pieces that remained had been damaged beyond repair .
7 A wild idea occurred to him — why did n't he just get his spare shirts and the few pieces that he 'd picked up while he 'd been staying here , throw them all into a bag , and jump on a train or a bus to present himself on their doorstep ?
8 And the more links that are discovered between mental and neural processes , the smaller the dualist gap becomes .
9 Jo refused to discuss the Oscars ; the whole idea was too exciting to bear serious thought , and besides she knew something about the events of the next three and a half hours that her mother did not , and would not until her name was called .
10 A different expression of a roughly similar tendency can be seen in the fact that the total production of books in Russia during the years 1762–1800 was about three and a half times that in the entire period from the introduction of printing down to 1761 .
11 I for one value the friendship that he has given me in the eight and a half years that I have been a Member of the House , despite the fact that we are in different parties and disagree on many issues .
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