Example sentences of "and [art] [noun pl] in a " in BNC.

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1 This comparison may form the crucial part of a description ; later on , using comparison as a criterion , that a portrait should look like the sitter , that landscape should look natural , and the objects in a still life should be identifiable , a critic can use it as part of an evaluation .
2 However , by assimilating and making their own so many Greek gods , literary conventions , artistic forms , philosophical ideas and social customs , they put themselves and the Greeks in a unique reciprocal situation ; the more so because they made their own language an instrument of thought which could rival Greek and render Greek ideas with remarkable precision ( though the Greeks never quite accepted the fact ) .
3 First it is intended to examine the statistics of how young people from different ethnic groups are dealt with by the police and the courts in a city outside London .
4 Set the body text , that 's the main volume of text , in a serif typeface , that 's one with those little ticks at the ends of the letters like Times , Palatino , Bookman , etc , and the headings in a sans serif face such as Helvetica , Avant Garde , etc .
5 Public Health Nursing is still to a large extent task-oriented and the findings in a survey of the work load of the Public Health Nurse in Ireland in 1986 showed that only a small percentage of time ( 0.2% ) was spent directly on health education , although it is acknowledged that health promotion is a component of tasks and policy in all aspects of their role .
6 Divisions are drawn by function as well as by sex : ‘ There are thus three chief Departments among the Offices , namely , that of the Butler and the men on one side , that of the Cook and the Back-Offices in a manner central , and that of the Housekeeper ( including the Women's-room ) on the other side . ’
7 Over at the laibon 's engang they are bedded down behind their own thicket of thorn bushes , the cattle jammed together in a large boma and the goats in a smaller one right in the middle , as far from the athletic leopards as possible .
8 Place the redcurrants , the blackcurrants , and the gooseberries in a large saucepan with 2 tablespoons of water , cover and simmer gently for 10 minutes until just tender .
9 Under s 36 of the Administration of Justice Act 1970 , where a possession order of a dwelling house is made , then if satisfied that the defendant can pay the current instalments and the arrears in a reasonable time ( or remedy other defaults ) , the court has wide powers of suspending a possession order .
10 When that happened , he could imagine the pines closing in on all sides , sealing the locomotive and the carriages in a green tomb ; invisible even from the air .
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