Example sentences of "and [prep] the other [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In my opinion , the sooner that we return to serious discussion about the government of the Province , and about the other considerations that were invested in the earlier talks , the better the people of Northern Ireland will be served .
2 The usual convention , followed in this example , is to place the largest , slice on the left and for the other slices to be drawn in descending order .
3 Deer , antelope , buffalo and other grazing mammals have long been hunted by man for their meat and hides and for the other products they yield .
4 Remedies were sought for the lack of international liquidity and for the other causes of the decline in international trade — especially during the 1930s .
5 Ah , but you 're going to be getting some extra police officers by taking them off er , paperwork , er you 're gon na get two thousand three hundred I see in the press , well that as shown , that of course will be twenty three , but if anybody here thinks the Chief Constable 's gon na produce twenty three new police officers through reductions in paperwork and through the other initiatives the Home Secretary has announced , well I do n't believe them , and we shall have to wait and see .
6 They walked on , towards and then past Miss Lavant , and past the other strollers on the promenade .
7 I am much indebted to the Commission staff , in particular to Mr Collin Bowen , for allowing me to show plans in advance of publication of this , and of the other sites in the county .
8 The mode of action of 5-aminosalicylic acid ( 5ASA ) , the active moiety of sulphasalazine , and of the other salicylates used in inflammatory bowel disease is unknown .
9 What can the British Government do , both bilaterally and in the European Community , to ensure that the national rights of the Albanians and of the other nations in Yugoslavia are fully taken into account in the whole bloody mess ?
10 In partnership , which is ‘ the relation which subsists between persons carrying on a business in common with a view of profit ’ , every partner is an agent of the firm and of the other partners for the purpose of the business of the partnership .
11 Even today , the toll of addictive disease is still terrible yet many of those who die were aware of the 12 Steps and of the other recommendations of the Anonymous Fellowships .
12 There are many others , all with their own special appeal , both on Mainland and amongst the other islands , but most anglers confine their activities to these five ; and rarely regret their decision to do so .
13 And with the other emotions , too , happiness follows doing the right thing biologically .
14 ‘ Perhaps , ’ they state , ‘ it must be a threat which a person of the age and with the other characteristics of the woman could not reasonably be expected , in the circumstances , to resist . ’
15 More generally , if cc was a causal circumstance for c , and with the other terms defined as with ( 5 ) , we have this : ( 7 ) If none of cc " or cc " or … existed , then if cc had not existed , even if any change x had occurred logically consistent with that and with e 's absence , c would not have happened .
16 An and , and round the other areas which
17 ‘ Hopefully , he 'll learn something from Saturday and from the other games we 've played so far .
18 This reassembled fragment is important , for in one corner is a pattern of fifteen contiguous triangles ( recalling the Middleborough mosaic ) and in the other corners squares contain guilloche knots ( as in the tilted squares of mosaic A ) .
19 Each knows the weaknesses in its own and in the other approaches and therefore debates between them tend to result in predictable discussions within a well-trodden terrain .
20 With both the motive for the murder and the brave rescue Crime and Punishment sets the pattern for later Dostoevsky ; his post-Siberian notebooks swarm with admonitions like ‘ Decide the matter definitely one way or the other ’ , and with the X marks the spot of ‘ Here a podvig is achieved ’ ; and in the other novels , as in Crime and Punishment , the actual outcome of such promptings makes an interesting study .
21 It would be very instructive to linger in the islands and on the other shores of the western Mediterranean , and explore the similarities and differences , for example , in the history of the Catalan and Spanish towns and the Italian .
22 Starting from this background the painter now works toward the front by a sort of scheme of forms in which each object 's position is clearly indicated , both in relation to the definite background and to the other objects . ’
23 In other words the old offences under ( f ) and ( g ) above now apply to eight or more seated motor cars or goods vehicles 3,500 kg or under and to the other categories of vehicle not mentioned here .
24 And among the other questions this month : Is bathroom humour just good clean fun ?
25 He looked at Kraal , who called out in loss and anger , and at the other eagles up and down the Cages , as if somewhere there there might be some help .
26 And while the hierarchy of the Roman Church dictated the texts which were to become the canonical New Testament , the monasteries in Egypt embraced a much more diverse body of teaching , exemplified by the Gospel of Thomas and by the other texts found at Nag Hammadi .
27 Three advance hand in hand over irregular ground , the last half-hidden by the rim , and around the other sides ( fig. 115 ) others , some with transparent drapery , have taken off into the air and float free — an imaginative adaptation of the black background to the new idea of spatial setting .
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