Example sentences of "and [prep] the time [art] " in BNC.

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1 In 1956 , the Glasgow Archaeological Society celebrated its centenary , and at the time a new fort at Bishopton , discovered from the air , was being investigated .
2 Until 1969 the Post Office was a department of government and at the time the telephone network was part of the Post Office .
3 In other words , when the disaster came , it was the big animals that were most vulnerable , and at the time the big animals were all , as it happened , dinosaurs .
4 I 'd come across that and used that intravenously and thought well I really enjoy this and at the time the people who I knew were breaking into chemists and things , they used to come across very powerful substances , diamorphine , crystallised cocaine , morphine , that whole range of opiates and also amphetamines , black bombers and all the rest of it and then opium became more available on the streets and it was round about the same price as cannabis was at the time … .
5 Most lenders waited until payments were three to six months in arrears before seeking repossession orders , and by the time a court order was granted most families had moved out .
6 Referring issues to a named individual is not advised unless a dispute has already arisen , because some time may pass after the making of the original contract containing the reference to the specifically named individual , and by the time a dispute arises that individual may have died , retired , become ill , have a conflict of interest or be otherwise unavailable or unsuitable .
7 Martin Cruz Smith is a dab hand at beginnings , as readers of Gorky Park will remember ; but he tends to fumble his middle sections , and by the time the climax arrives he 's all fingers and thumbs .
8 The club , by now had spilled out into a sort of annexe conservatory at the back of the room and by the time the summer arrived , people were spilling out into the garden and , in fact , used to come into the club by this route illegally .
9 He wanted to do a bit before New York and it worked because before the tour started , there was very little interest in New York , but it sold out in Cleveland which we knew it would , and both shows were great , by which time word got back to New York instantly , as it does , and by the time the show at Carnegie Hall happened , it was sold out .
10 From the moment the tapes rose Crisp was in the front rank , and by the time the field swept over Becher 's Brook — the sixth fence — he was sharing the lead with Grey Sombrero .
11 The Socialist Workers ' formation heckle team numbered about five and by the time the egg-throwers had been apprehended , they were down to three .
12 The painful contractions started before I reached the ward and by the time the ward nurse had brought me 2 paracetamol , I needed to go back to the delivery suite !
13 The defendants arrested on 5 October were appearing at Derry courthouse and by the time the hearing was in progress , a crowd of about one hundred had gathered outside .
14 Australian railways took up and developed the Italianate style which had been so influential in Britain and the United States earlier in the century , and by the time the principal Australian stations were built , classical was in style once more .
15 However , Mr Lewis 's engagingly informal manner , and his statement at dinner that the United States ‘ would always stand on the side of justice and did n't mind admitting mistakes had been made at Versailles ’ seemed to do much to win the confidence of his lordship 's ‘ home team' ; as dinner progressed , the conversation had slowly but surely turned from topics such as the merits of Mr Lewis 's native Pennsylvania back to the conference ahead , and by the time the gentlemen were lighting their cigars , some of the speculations being offered appeared to be as intimate as those exchanged prior to Mr Lewis 's arrival .
16 Heavy snow in January and February kept other possible buyers away , and by the time the crocuses and daffodils were decking the rest of the Thrush Green gardens , Tullivers was looking at its worst .
17 Nails and Hoomey wriggled free and made off like hares and by the time the opposition had refocussed on Seb as main aggressor rather than Jazz a police car was cruising to a standstill alongside and a new element was introduced .
18 There , it seems , the talk had become surpassingly outrageous , and by the time the brief visit came to an end , it was assured of its place in the folklore of the Poole family : John Poole was still recalling it half a century later .
19 The Duke of Mar , unwelcome in Scotland following his much-criticised flight after ‘ The Fifteen ’ , was employed as a decoy , leaving Rome with a large retinue , by way of Florence , and by the time the imposture had been discovered the real Pretender had , on 8 February 1719 , himself left Rome undetected , the start of a journey which , had the stakes not been so high , would have belonged to the realm of farce .
20 He staggered up the gang-plank , waving goodbye to the policemen , and by the time the cameras were due to roll , he was in make-up and wardrobe ready for his first scene .
21 As foreseen by the dark clouds , it began to rain during the afternoon and by the time the headlights of Markby 's car illuminated the front windows of Rose Cottage , it was fairly tipping down .
22 And by the time the all clear went , the train had gone .
23 Visiting aircraft began arriving early in the day and by the time the airshow started at midday quite a line-up of visiting types were present , ranging from award-winning Percival Vega Gull G–AEZJ to Duncan Baker 's Howard 500 N500LN , the latter making a very rare appearance away from its Exeter base .
24 Calling the P5 a ‘ paper tiger ’ responsible for the collapse of ACE and claiming that the chip fails to live up to its promises , Slater notes that ‘ the P5 is turning out to be not a few months behind the R4000 , but over a year later — and by the time the P5 is shipping , the MIPS semiconductor partners will be shipping the R4400 with perhaps 50% better performance than the P5 . ’
25 She said : ‘ We had given up hope and by the time the precinct opened again we had all gone home . ’
26 And by the time the workers ' movement revived in 1902 , the energy of activists was caught up both in Party organization and in the challenge posed by the burgeoning liberal and neo-populist movements .
27 Mark is a tiny bit keen about Anstey 's and by the time the year ends will have climbed there well over 200 times this year !
28 The manoeuvre worked , and by the time the second hedge loomed in front of her , Artemis had some semblance of control .
29 They each had a few jokes and by the time the roach was flushed away she was already experiencing her first rush , a warm , dreamy sensation that seemed to encompass her whole being .
30 The first true Ferrari was seen at Piacenza in 1947 and by the time the World Championship was introduced in 1950 , Ferraris were soon gaining a reputation for being a reliable car .
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