Example sentences of "and [Wh det] [modal v] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was agreed that parliament should consist of a national assembly , which would be responsible for the preparation and adoption of principal pieces of legislation and which would control the budget , and a senate , which would represent the regions and would have the power to review , refer and delay legislation .
2 She envisaged a shop where cleansing lotions would be displayed in simple bottles of all shapes and sizes and which would contain the natural ingredients she had come across during her trips to remote communities .
3 One might hazard a guess that Part I was concerned with devising a conformation in which the fission explosion would raise the thermonuclear material to the required temperature and pressure and which would contain the material at a sufficient density for a time long enough for a substantial amount to react before being dispersed .
4 Can the Minister justify the payment of more than £234,000 of public money to accountants , bureaucrats and consultants to prepare opting-out submissions when that money can be better used to reduce waiting lists or to make a donation to the appeal for the Royal hospital for sick children in Edinburgh instead of being used to propagate Tory party propaganda which is not wanted by the people of Scotland and which would damage the health service in Scotland ?
5 The way was now open to an orthodox Christian philosophy which would contain psychology , history and poetry within it , and which would emphasize the Middle Ages ; it would embrace the Gothic Revival and the Oxford or Anglo-Catholic Movement within the Church of England .
6 The panel brought to last year 's assembly a modest am amendment of the nineteen sixty three act which it believed was theologically sound pastorally sensitive and which would provide a degree of flexibility .
7 The vicar and his team , led by outgoing churchwarden Robert Parker , envisage an extension which would double the width of the existing church , and which would include a parish office and a private room for counselling and other meetings .
8 There was her grandmother , solid and real , who could offer her stories nearly as miraculous as those that Fenna told her and which would have the miraculous ponderousness of fact .
9 If they do not , it will be for their auditors to discuss the matter with the Task Force , on a no-names basis , if they have misgivings about the acceptability of a treatment proposed by a client which hovers in the often grey border area between good and bad practice , and which might set a precedent for other companies .
10 Laches could amount to bad faith and , in any case , the longer the time lag the greater the likelihood that the partners will , even inadvertently , do some act which affirms their partnership with the offending partner and which might raise an estoppel to prevent their proceeding with his expulsion .
11 The only known or suspected production sites are at Elsham in Lincolnshire comprising concentrations of burnt material and sherds of pottery ( which have not been excavated and which may represent the remains of funeral pyres ) , the excavated kiln ( ? ) at Cassington ( Arthur and Jope 1963 ) and possibly Sutton Courtenay ( Leeds 1936 , p. 28 ) .
12 Levels one and two are by far the commonest in education but there is a new type of partnership which appears to be developing and which may meet the needs of the future rather more fully than the other two — though those will always continue in existence because they fulfil real short term needs .
13 The actual request is set out in the first part , which gives the relevant addresses and which may specify a particular mode of service .
14 It was suggested to the Criminal Law Revision Committee that in the light of ‘ the strong feelings of revulsion ’ which homosexual rape arouses and which may prejudice the defendant , such conduct should be dealt with as indecent assault rather than as buggery .
15 The GPC strategy is particularly useful when we need to pronounce unusual words such as " leonine " , " potamic " , or " tachistoscope " — words which are slightly unfamiliar visually , and which may have a weak lexical representation .
16 For example in Shakespearean Negotiations Greenblatt discovers through a reading of Thomas Harriot 's Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia and Shakespeare 's Henry V the way actions which the state employs , and which should have a radically undermining effect , turn out to be props of authority .
17 I have , as a result of the new storyboard , got a detailed list of proposals and suggestions from the new programmer which I am faxing to you ( eight pages to follow ) , and which will form the basis of formal discussions between the programmer and myself and possibly David , and from which we have to derive a proper technical specification .
18 That is projects which will enable students and/or staff to develop their enterprise skills and which will make the University more responsive to the world of work .
19 There is now a need for a survey of the current literature which will be invaluable to policy-makers , politicians , teachers , researchers and students and which will embrace the various schools of thought ( eg defence and peace economics ) .
20 So we can distinguish then a third state in w which we can call an inactivated state and which will leave the channel closed , but also unable to respond as it would be able to do if it resided in a simple closed in a simple closed state which were responsive to gating .
21 Later this year the DTI will be issuing a consultative document on its proposals for implementing the Third Life Insurance Directive , which is due to come into operation by mid-1994 and which will enable an insurer to offer insurance anywhere in the Community on the basis of a single authorisation in the state where its head office is situated .
22 It describes the present position but draws attention under the heading De-materialisation of Listed Securities to the aims of the TAURUS project which may be achieved shortly after this edition is published and which will change the position markedly so far as concerns fully paid securities of listed companies .
23 The second factor , which constitutes an additional hypothesis which will be explored in the following chapters , is that there are highly significant and fundamental economic and geographical determinants which have acted in the past to constrain Soviet activities in the region and which will remain a crucial obstacle to an increased Soviet presence , even in the context of a more favourable political climate .
24 In his first annual review as Chief Executive of LASMO , the international oil and gas exploration and production company , Mr Joe Darby describes his immediate objective as being ‘ to build a business which is profitable even at low oil prices and which will show a rate of growth commensurate with the forecast rise in our production and cash flow ’ .
25 In this environment , which is likely to continue for the foreseeable future , our objective is to build a business which is profitable even at low oil prices and which will show a rate of growth commensurate with the forecast rise in our production and cash flow .
26 This is the new generation of the wilderness , the generation which has not known slavery , and which will show no servility .
27 At Aonach Mor there is a small dam which provides all the fresh water for the day lodge facilities and which will give a good head of pressure for the cannon at night .
28 Despite the dramatic revelations of new , super-microcomputers in the national and computer press , a school is likely to want to buy a microcomputer which is a known brand and which will suit the information needs of staff and pupils .
29 Most people ensure that they spend their lives working for something which they think has a future , and which will provide the sort of life and opportunity that they wish for themselves and their dependants .
30 However it is the quantitative measures which have so far dominated research in this field , and which will provide the basis for this review .
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