Example sentences of "and [not/n't] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ’ I trust it is a business and not a personal matter ? ’
2 But we interpret it as though it is like ‘ Now I 'm sweating ’ , except that what is reported is a mental and not a bodily process .
3 As mentioned above , income support only has an ordinary , and not a long-term rate .
4 For most couples this made little difference in terms of tax actually paid , but , as feminists were quick to point out , it treated the wife as a dependant and not a separate entity .
5 You should have bought me a man , and not a threadbare purse . ’
6 ‘ You 'll get your beverage allocation when I 'm satisfied with it , and not a damn day before .
7 This was because a degree was part of the training of a gentleman , and not a technical qualification ; the scientist was as well-educated , though in a different line , as the classicist .
8 One possible move to counteract this is to ensure that the system proposer is a business analyst and not a technical analyst
9 And not a technical matter but a policy matter , I think that the probabilities of it doing that could be er increased by traffic calming measures on the A sixty one to make it take longer to go through Harrogate that way .
10 An attribute which is a primary key in one relation and not a primary key but included in another relation is called a foreign key in that second relation .
11 Open champion Faldo threaded together an immaculate last round of 67 , including four birdies and not a dropped shot , to finish joint second with three others on 281 .
12 But he 's not a great conversationalist and not a great chatterer and talker and worker out of problems , like , for instance , Viscount Whitelaw , whose genius is that he 's always absolutely ready with many views on every single problem that 's going , political , policy and so on .
13 There is a strong demarcation in physics between those who have succeeded and those who have ‘ failed ’ ; quite a lot of firsts and thirds , and not a great concentration in the middle .
14 Such structures also seem to provide a kind of elementary momentum in periods where a discipline is in the doldrums , and not a great deal is happening at the research level .
15 THE Democratic Unionist Party enjoyed a slight increase in its vote in the Derry City Council elections and not a slight decrease , as reported here on Saturday .
16 Bagehot also urged that the monarch must ‘ be a figure , and not a mere person liable to criticism even for vices . ’
17 The fallacy in the plaintiffs ' argument lay in the assertion that the challenged paragraphs of the order of Buckley J. constituted a proprietary remedy and not a mere order for discovery .
18 ‘ We now need a new party , one that is the heir and not a mere continuation of the present one .
19 In 1950 the Court had held these ‘ declarations to constitute recognition by the Union of the continuance of the obligations under the Mandate and not a mere indication of future conduct of that government . ’
20 But they made him realize that he was getting across what he wanted to get across , and not a holy-sounding fog of words .
21 These differences result in conflict being a common and persistent feature of society , and not a temporary aberration .
22 In interpreting the clause , their lordships observed that this was a limitation of liability clause and not a complete exclusion clause .
23 These two passages should be read again and again before returning to the rest of the text , which is illuminated by them ; and it then becomes clear that the poem is a work of theory , and not a simple narrative of fact .
24 → When you buy goods or equipment you have a legal right to expect them to comply with any description applied : leather not plastic , solid wood and not veneer , or in this case a ‘ 67 and not a 1974 model .
25 It took 30 minutes of argument , a great deal of soothing of apparently hurt professional pride , and not a little money to persuade Chela that it was time to call it a night , alone .
26 The need for teacher education and staff development for further education is therefore urgent and is the subject of much debate and not a little progress .
27 Perhaps I fell in love with him then , she thought ; when I discovered that he was a man and not a shining hero .
28 ‘ It 's political as Greenfields is in an independent and not a Labour ward , ’ he said .
29 But on 4 November 1991 , the Court of Appeal ( Cooke P. , Richardson and Hardie Boys JJ. ) held that the petitioner was not entitled to appeal as of right against the judgment of the Court of Appeal dated 4 October 1991 because that judgment was an interlocutory and not a final judgment and refused leave to the petitioner to appeal to the Board .
30 The phrase ‘ certainly not less in real terms than at present ’ is a base line and not a final restriction .
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